
Theatre "3 Thugs"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 30 November 2017
On Sunday 3 December, 2017 at 9:00 pm 16:00 will take place "3 Thugs" by ełckie Theatre 30-minute "3 Thugs". The author of the art of "3 Thugs" is Dario Fo is an Italian satirist, playwright, theatre director, and composer. "3 Thugs" Three vigorous, noble birth sisters, which closed by his father in an airtight environment of their home – dream of Poznań men, which could fall in love...
Temporary closure of section of Kosciuszko Street in Elk, in the reconstruction of drainage
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 November 2017
The reason for the closure is a reconstruction of the drainage in the Kosciuszko Street-liquidation of the resulting collisions. The restoration of traffic on the upgraded episode is scheduled on Thursday (November 30) in the evening. Available tours: ·         UL. Chopin ·         UL. The Home...
Last call for applications for scholarships in the year 2018
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 November 2017
The scholarship is awarded in one of the following areas: Visual Arts, theatre and stage art, music and dancing, singing, literature, film, photography, organisation of cultural projects in the city of Ełk. Criteria to be met. The scholarship can get a person who: ·     is permanently registered in the city of Elk or works in the area of culture in the city of...
A new episode of "City News"-November 24
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 November 2017
In includes information about at Christmas the Christmas tree that sailed from Elk to the Vatican, as a gift from the Polish for the Pope, the second stage of the revitalization of downtown, Center courtyards ełckich two international projects Ełckie cultural center under the INTERREG V-and Lithuania-Poland, speed bumps that have been mounted on the street of John Paul II in Elk, as well...
We know the winners of the White Lily 2016
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 24 November 2017
The prize of the White Lily are awarded for outstanding contributions in the development and promotion of Elk. It is already the eleventh edition of the competition, which was first held in 2007 (for achievements in year 2006). The idea is to highlight people who in a special way your daily work, activity and commitment to serve the city and its inhabitants, thus contributing to the promotion...
City of Elk has acquired a 15 k. zł for vaccination against pneumococcal disease in the year 2018
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 24 November 2017
The town of Ełk received funding from the national health fund for the implementation in 2018. the vaccination programme prevention pneumococcal children born in 2015. In the framework of the vaccinated will be 166 children. The total cost of the entire job is 40 thousand. zł, including: ·         funding-15006.40 (40% of the costs of...
XXXVIII Session Of The City Council Of Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 24 November 2017
The proposed agenda: 1. Opening of the session, the legitimacy of the proceedings. 2. Approval of the minutes of the previous session of the Council (# XXXVII. 17). 3. approval of agenda. 4. Report on the activities of the Mayor of the city for the period between the sessions. 5. To take decisions in the cases: ·        ...
Walking together through life, cherished his love ...
Author: Iga Arciszewska | Entry date: 23 November 2017
Starts another season on skates in our city
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 23 November 2017
The ice rink for the first time started December 27, 2011, it is the pane size: 20 m x 40 m (800 m2), making them one of the largest properties in the region. Views on the surface (for consumers) is provided for in cycles of 60-minutes, followed by a 30 minute survives. Opening hours: Monday-Friday: hours. 8.00 – 20.30 (technical break 15:00-16:30):...
Another important investment for sport and leisure activities in our city
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 November 2017
A new object sports supplier built is at ul. Suwałki 15. It will be the perfect complement to your existing technical Team sports schools in Elk. The contract with the contractor of the task-"PRIBO-ERA" SP. z o. o. in Elk has already been signed and in the coming days it is planned to transfer the construction site. The work will include the ·      ...
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