News - Friendly sites

From August 15, move the free vaccination of children against pneumococcal disease
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 09 August 2018
Prophylactic vaccination of children against pneumococcal disease are Elk already for the sixth time. This year, the vaccination will be implemented from August 15 to October 15, in the szczepiennych clinic family physicians in our city. In this connection, that the number of vaccines is limited – determines the order of submissions. The town of Ełk on implementation in 2018. the...
Another task assigned to ełk County, non-governmental organisations
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 07 August 2018
In the municipality of Elk agreement signed the following organizations: Summer holiday Apprentice Sports Club Green Volley Elk "The camp sports the integration for the Cadet" Physical culture and sport Apprentice Sports Club Green Volley Elk Participation in the warmińko-Mazurian Lida volleyball Aikido Club Kresmeni Seminar with Hiroyuki Sakurai The local...
Rehabilitation equipment hire
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 13 July 2018
Rental is intended for residents of Elk, sick and disabled persons, with a decision on a disability requiring use of rehabilitation equipment or truss in the home. Rental of building Urban social welfare centre in Elk. Piłsudski 8: Open from Monday to Friday. 7:30-15:00 Tel: 732-67-23 87, 87 732-67-18 Conditions of equipment: equipment is free of charge, for a limited period, on the...
Active queue "Turn on your bike-bike on queue"
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 12 July 2018
Active Queue "Turn on your bike-bike on rail" is another proposal to the historical Museum in Elk for ełczan and visitors staying in our city for active leisure, along with the area and its history. The route will be proceeded as follows: Sypitki Tisza-Curves-Zawady-Kopijki-Cherry Ełckie-Kałęczyny-Montane-Elk (approx. 33 km) Number of places limited. Cost: 20 PLN per participant...
The Italians with a visit to the Elk
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 05 July 2018
33-a group of Italians from the partnership of Orbassano came to Elk on the evening of July 4. On Thursday morning at the Office Of the President of the city accepted guests Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz. After greeting the Group President briefly told about our city, enterprises, as well as about the history of our city and country, which this year celebrate 100 years of independence. At the end of...
"Baroque in Masuria"
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 14 June 2018