
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 24 November 2017
XXXVIII Session Of The City Council Of Elk
Tuesday November 28, 2017 onwards. 11:00 in the Conference Room of the city of Elk, there will be a common Elk City Council session XXXVIII.

The proposed agenda:

1. Opening of the session, the legitimacy of the proceedings.

2. Approval of the minutes of the previous session of the Council (# XXXVII. 17).

3. approval of agenda.

4. Report on the activities of the Mayor of the city for the period between the sessions.

5. To take decisions in the cases:

·         changes to the Multiannual financial forecast Of Elk for the years 2017-2027,

·         changes in the budget of the city of Elk in the year 2017,

·         determine the amount of rates from means of transport on 2018,

·         consent to the sale of a cooperative ownership right to the premises,

·         determine the interest rate on the sale of dwellings to tenants

·         exemption from the obligation to dispose of by way of tender real estate

·         approval of tariffs for the collective water supply and the collective wastewater,

·         amending the resolution on the "Family Card Ełckiej 3 +",

·         admission to the implementation of the project partner pt. open to change with AlterCIS,

·         adoption of a multiannual programme for the management of the residential resource cities in years

·         2018-2022,

·         pass to the Provincial Administrative Court in Olsztyn complaint Attorney

·         District Court in Elk on resolution No. XII. 136.15 Elk City Council of 24 November 2015.

·         on the approval of tariffs for the collective water supply and collective discharge

·         waste water.

6. presentation of the draft budget of the year 2018.

7. Questions and queries.

8. Claims and free applications.

9. Termination of the proceedings.