
Runmageddon Ełcki behind us
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 June 2017
In the Elk on 24-25 June held another edition of extreme gear with obstacles Runmageddon "ROOKIE", "CLASSIC" and "Kids". In the competition participated a total of 2174 people , who wanted to test their strength, jumping, endurance and mental resistance. Runmageddon "the ROOKIE"-1157osób (ełczanie-150 people) 6 extreme kilometers and more than 30 challenging obstacles. The '...
33RD session of the City Council
Author: admin | Entry date: 26 June 2017
Proposed agenda : 1. Opening of the session, the legitimacy of the proceedings. 2. the adoption of the protocols of the sessions of the Council No. XXXI and XXXII No. 17. 3. approval of agenda. 4. Report on the activities of the Mayor of the city for the period between the sessions. 5. To take decisions in the cases: 1) amendments to the Multiannual...
Launch of the holiday season on ełckiej Beach
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 23 June 2017
Bridges are made of plastic. Have a non-slip surface, and so are safe during use. Platforms are anchored to the bottom of the Lake. In addition, the rigging was installed on the water between the piers. During the summer holidays from Monday to Sunday. 10:00-19:00 a place to swim will be open and guarded by two rescue workers. The designation of the flag:...
94 k. for the implementation of the programme the MOPSu ełckie "Assistant"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 June 2017
The Ministry of family, work and social policy has granted the City social assistance Centre in Elk a grant of £ 93 974 on the implementation of the "Program Assistant family and family foster care coordinator for 2017". This is a continuation of the activities of previous years. Employed within the framework of the grant family assistants help families not only in educational issues, but also...
"Dance with the clock"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 June 2017
Volleyball players SP # 4 Elk Champions Of Warmia and Mazury
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 June 2017
During a meeting at the Town Hall of Champions of the Warmińsko-Mazurskie, in the category 4S volleyball girls President Tomasz Andrukiewicz and Deputy President Artur Urbański congratulated the young athletes achieved result and wished further success. In the meeting attended also Wanda Wojnowska Director primary school No. 4. Prof. USDA Elk, parents and coaches young players. May 23, 2017, in...
"St John's Night Canoeing"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 June 2017
June 24, 2017 will take place "" St John's Night "Canoe". Fundraiser. 20:00 in rental kayaks Drift in Stradunach. The start of rafting. 22:00. Participation is paid-$ 25/per person Route: Straduny-Elk (the yellow Sands, ul. Suwałki) In: ·         h. 20:00-collection: kayaks Drift in Stradunach (own transport)...
"John's family bike"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 June 2017
On Saturday June 24, 2017 will be held "John's family bike". Collection at primary school No. 5 in Elk, ul. . M. Kolbe 11, start at 8:00 pm. 10:00. The pace of the rally will be adapted to the youngest participants. In also home (on your own). The route of the rally: Elk (SP # 5)-Rails-Flour-Talusy-Lepaki Wielkie-Bartosze-Elk Distance: ok. 30 km Duration: CA. 5 hours of...
Calendar of events, and tourist folder of Elk City Hall available
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 June 2017
Available languages: ·         calendar of events-Polish and English ·         tourist folder-Polish, English, Lithuanian, Italian, Russian Calendar of events also available on the website:
"Time to start". Urban offer units for the summer 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 20 June 2017
The city offers a great vacation units prepared for small ełczan, for the summer of 2017, in connection with the end of the school year. In the urban space are also additional attractions, such as the Elk Railway, rope park, municipal stadium, climbing and outdoor gyms. Vacation in the library "Holiday land of fantasy" City Public Library. Zofia Nasierowskiej in Elk invites children aged 7...