
Coming soon in Elk, you report having a baby without leaving the hospital
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 29 June 2017
Thanks to the undertaken activities from July 17, parents whose baby is born in ełk County Hospital Pro-Medica, will be able, through the designated by the hospital representative, report the birth of a child in the civil registry office in Elk. To take advantage of the services necessary to be a power of Attorney and declaration by the parents, in which indicate the name you choose for...
And I will love you until the end of my days.
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 29 June 2017
The medals ceremony was held June 29, 2017, in the Conference Room of the city of Elk. Włodarz of congratulated on behalf of all ełczan. He stressed also that life and the attitude of the gathered today at the Office Of married couples is for us the best example for a good married life.   - Nowadays less common are examples of marriage with such a long experience, because now the young...
City of Elk has acquired a 3.4 million for renewal sites of Elk River
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 June 2017
On Thursday (June 27) at the Office of the Marshal in Olsztyn, a meeting was held, during which the Mayor of the city of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz signed an agreement with Marshal Of Warmia and Mazury To Mark Brzezinem, with which the city has acquired a 3.4 million for the implementation of the project "revitalization of degraded urban areas Elk River at the junction of ul. Park and the Polish...
Launch of the "active Queue: Turn on your bike-bike on queue"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 June 2017
Launched a series of holiday events under the motto "active Queue: Turn on your bike-bike on the queue". Five rail-cycling trips planned for fans of two-wheelers (July 1, 15 and 29 and August 12 and 26). The cost of $20 per person. Ełcką narrow-gauge Train Ride with the bike to the station in Sypitkach, there change for bicycles and a common back to Elk (every time a different route). Leaking...
Streetball tournament in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 June 2017
The game will be carried out in the OPEN category (men's team or mixed). The team can count 3 persons + 1 person reserve. More information:  
3.4 million in funding to the "Discovery Park"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 June 2017
Derived measures derived from the regional operational programme of Warmia and Mazury for years 2014-2020. This is another project, which aims to revitalization (renewal) historic Ełckiej Onal, a tourist attraction of the region. The work will be consisted of Creating The Park Explorers. This will be the place that would become the heart of the activation of social and...
Folklore Festival "Rainbow 2017"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 June 2017
This will be the 14TH already International Folklore Festival "Rainbow 2017". The Festival is the most colourful cultural event in the region and became the summer showcase of Elk, arousing great interest of the audience. In: June 29 (Thursday)-start HR. 17:00 Presentations of the Festival: ·         Mazurski song and dance...
Let's fight for children's dreams come true-it's free!
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 28 June 2017
NIVEA supports each talent in children. With them in mind is to build 20 Courtyards Talent NIVEA, in which children will be able to connect the development with fun and family spending long periods of time. In Elk of playground fights Special Missionary Benedictine Sisters primary school (ul. Kilińskiego 2). Of use including ok. 160 children, students of primary school and high school...
Ełk – my city! My life! My passions! View a new video about Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 June 2017
The premise of the new promotional film is to show the Elk through the prism of its people-people with passions, who live here, work here and here are enjoying life. The residents are suitable to our city a unique character. Energy, passion, and joy of life – in a few words, you can specify a new promotional video of our city that shows the activity of the inhabitants of the Elk-"the beating...
For the sake of the correct shape of the Polish Government
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 June 2017
On Thursday (June 22) in the "Zebra" ECK county governments ełckie met on a common emergency session of the Council of the County Ełckie, Elk City Council, the Council of the municipality of Kalinowo, Municipal Council Prostki, Stare Juchy Municipal Council. In a joint session did not attend only local Government of the municipality of Elk. Session – which insisted on the Coat, and the...