
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 November 2017
Temporary closure of section of Kosciuszko Street in Elk, in the reconstruction of drainage
In connection with the ongoing implementation of the investment. Kosciuszko in Elk, from Wednesday (November 29) ok. h. 8:30 will be temporarily closed, ul. Kościuszki, the section from ul. Chopin to ul. The Old Market Square.

The reason for the closure is a reconstruction of the drainage in the Kosciuszko Street-liquidation of the resulting collisions.

The restoration of traffic on the upgraded episode is scheduled on Thursday (November 30) in the evening.

Available tours:

·         UL. Chopin

·         UL. The Home Army

·         UL. Orzeszkowej-with the possibility of a partial entry to the residents

In addition, bus line no. 7 and 16 will be rerouted onto the home army.