News - Events

Modern defibrillators in ełckiej municipal police
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 June 2017
One of the devices was mounted on the ground floor of the Office of the city of Ełk, ul. Piłsudski 4, room 102 municipal police. The second unit is motorised patrol Guard. Both modern defibrillators were purchased in Local Initiative, at the request of the ełckiej Foundation "Save Lives". The total cost is £ 13306.81 devices. More about device: AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is used...
Publishing news soon on the shelves of the library ełckiej
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 June 2017
The Ministry of culture and national heritage has granted 27 440 zł Municipal public library in Elk, for the purchase of news publications in 2017, with the grants library will be complemented by best sellers and news publishing. On the shelves of the municipal library will go ok. 900 new volumes (books) detective stories, romances, novels, reports, literature beletrystyczna (manners,...
Apply for an athletic scholarship
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 June 2017
The scholarship is a form of material support players, for career development. Is awarded in recognition for the players level of athleticism and achievements in the discipline on national and international arena. Athletic scholarships are awarded 2 times in a calendar year, or at the request of the President of the Elk. In the budget Of Elk on the 2017 is scheduled to the total amount of $204...
Elk Railway still has
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 June 2017
The queue built between 1912-1918 for a long period she served as a very important role. In 1991, in recognition for its beauty and historical value has been entered in the register of historic monuments. Ełk narrow gauge railway is the only active this type of tourist attraction in Warmia and Masuria. In the period may-September 2017 regular journeys on the route of the Elk-Sypitki...
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 June 2017
Voo Voo is a Polish music band of the 1980s. The game varied music, based primarily on a combination of rock with folk music of different cultures and a large amount of improvisation. Last in their work appeared also the elements of the modern musical genres such as drum & bass, hip-hop or nu jazz. The name of the group comes from the initials of its founder and leader, Utterred (".."...
Restaurant "between the lines" the winner of the competition with a Ladle of the President
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 June 2017
on June 11, in the square of John Paul II took place on the 12TH "Culinary Contest with a Ladle of the Mayor of the city of Elk" Collected the audience observed the struggles of restaurateurs and art performances and took part in the tasting. In the competition for the Ladle of the Mayor of the city of Elk, the jury awarded the following prizes: Restaurants: And place...
Watch a new episode of "City News" June 9, 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 June 2017
In the local ełckiej cable tv is broadcast news program "City News", which is created in cooperation with the municipality of Elk. Premiere of the new episode on Friday (June 9). 17:15. In the found information at the junior-junior City Council session, the 12TH National Festival Family on the occasion of children's day. In addition, the reconstruction of the roadway at surface street...
Stop in at the water park
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 June 2017
During the 3 week break will be done renovation and restoration, including ·         painting the pool Hall (part of), ·         maintenance of technical equipment, ·         renovation of the sauna infra-red (IR) – up to 55 ° C,...
Great cooking and competition "Ladle of the Mayor of the city of Elk"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 June 2017
11 June (Sunday) local restaurateurs will compete in the competition "Great Grilling" to fight for a "Ladle of the Mayor of the city of Elk." In "the Great cooking with Charles Daigneault" participant of the II edition of MasterChef and live art ełckich artists. You will be able to try the zucchini faszerowanej millet, meat and dried tomatoes, organizers will prepare up to 1000 servings this...
"Festival of large families-Senior in the family"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 June 2017
11 June 2017 (Sunday). 13:00-18:00 will be held the "Festival of large families-Senior in the family". In family entertainment muzykujących, outdoor games, fun and games for kids, competitions with prizes, dance workshops and vocal and fitness and Zumba. Festival is organised within the framework of the project "development of cross-border social initiatives" in the framework of the...