
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 June 2017
Modern defibrillators in ełckiej municipal police
Municipal police in Elk was equipped with two modern defibrillators. The devices were purchased and financed under the initiative. The total cost of the equipment is ok. 13 thousand. zł.

One of the devices was mounted on the ground floor of the Office of the city of Ełk, ul. Piłsudski 4, room 102 municipal police. The second unit is motorised patrol Guard.

Both modern defibrillators were purchased in Local Initiative, at the request of the ełckiej Foundation "Save Lives". The total cost is £ 13306.81 devices.

More about device:
AED (Automated External Defibrillator) is used in offices, airports, schools, sports facilities, and even in homes. This is a device that works in life-threatening situations caused by CARDIAC ARREST (sudden cardiac arrest). Simple design and voice user manual makes that aid may be granted by virtually anyone.

In the ełckiej municipal police currently 8 people have completed a certified first aid course, 4 persons will be trained in June or July 2017.