News - Events

Active Queue: Turn on your bike-bike on the queue
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 August 2017
Ełcką narrow-gauge Train Ride with the bike to the station in Sypitkach, there change for bicycles and a common back to Elk (every time a different route). Trip # 3 "with a view of the Lake" The route which was along the South shore of Lake Selmęt: Great Sypitki babe small-Brodowo-Giże is Koziki-Sordachy-Mrozy Wielkie-Elk (CA. 20 km) Most recent trip within the framework of the...
Scholarships for ełckich athletes
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 August 2017
Awarding grants to sports for the period July-December in the field of physical culture, was held on Tuesday, August 8, in the municipality of Elk. To June 15, 2017, received 17 applications for scholarships. Having regard to the proposal of the chapter. Scholarships and Awards for sports that has examined the proposals, President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz granted 10 scholarships (for 9...
Opening of the exhibition "Traditionally and digitally Joanna Zgódka and Agnieszka Sawicka"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 August 2017
On Thursday 10 August 2017 onwards. 18:00 in the Gallery Track ECK will be opening of the exhibition "Traditionally and digitally Joanna Zgódka and Agnes Dobson". Agnes Sawicką and Joanna Zgódkę combines not only the place of work (primary school No. 9), but also a passion for the Visual Arts. Joanna creates his work with traditional methods – drawing, painting (watercolor, pastels, oil...
"From the baroque to classicism"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 04 August 2017
August 6 at 7:00 pm 19:00 will take place the concert "from baroque to classicism" in the framework of the 9th edition of "Ełckich of organ and chamber music concerts. This will be another dose of music for all who appreciate great sound bodies accompanied by outstanding Polish instrumentalists Chamber and vocal artists. Art direction and conducting concerts of Prof. Maria Terlecka. Concert...
Dance with Clock
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 04 August 2017
Changes on a promontory above the Lake
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 03 August 2017
New bus stops and street lighting in Elk
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 02 August 2017
XXIII the Mazurian Summer Cabaret Mulatto 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 02 August 2017
Ełckie Cultural Center on August 3-5 serves the happiest part of the summer in our city, so XXIII edit Masurian Summer Cabaret MULATTO. Schedule EBONY 2017: August 3 (Thursday) h. 17:00 contest – (O2 ECK) – $10 h. 20:00 Cabaret Young Men program: "the gods" (Amphitheater) – A/B-presale $50/40 on $60/50 concert 4 AUGUST (Fri) h. 17:00 contest (O2 ECK) – $10 h....
Masurian Cinema Under The Stars
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 August 2017
Holiday repertoire "Masurian Cinema under the stars"-h. 21:00: ·  August 1-"Sawa. Little big hero " ·  8 August-"we understand without words" ·  15 August-"Arrietty" ·  August 22-"comes a guy to the doctor" ·  August 29-"do not come back in these pages" More on:
15.5 million more on the development of Elk
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 01 August 2017
Thanks to the funds raised, 15.5 million from the regional operational programme in the Elk complex will be bike paths, landscaped will edge Ełckie Lake (on), and rebuilt public transport lines will be # 3 and 5. A grant agreement of projects signed yesterday in Olsztyn, Tomasz Andrukiewicz President Elk and Marshal of Warmia and Mazury Gustav Brzeziny. The city has acquired funding for the...