
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 June 2017
Publishing news soon on the shelves of the library ełckiej
City public library. Zofia Nasierowskiej in Elk has acquired more than 27 thousand. buy a subsidy from the Ministry of culture and national heritage for the purchase of news publishing library in 2017 will be complemented by ok. 900 new volumes (books), including best sellers and new arrivals show currently on the publishing market.

The Ministry of culture and national heritage has granted 27 440 zł Municipal public library in Elk, for the purchase of news publications in 2017, with the grants library will be complemented by best sellers and news publishing.

On the shelves of the municipal library will go ok. 900 new volumes (books) detective stories, romances, novels, reports, literature beletrystyczna (manners, adventure, historical, science fiction), fairy tales and stories for younger readers, as well as comics, books, dictionaries and lexicons.

Now in the ełckiej library are:

·         volumes (books, traditional) – 100 925,

·         audiobooks-1092,

·         Board Games-173 PCs.

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