News - Investments

Time for the modernisation of the Kosciuszko street lighting
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 August 2017
Has been settled and will soon be signed the agreement with the contractor, which will be revamped lighting line ul. Kościuszki for the section from the junction with ul. Polish troops to enter the University of Warmia and Mazury in Elk. The construction works will be carried out without halting traffic on the street. As part of the work will be done
Elk in the forefront of Polish cities, in which comes the inhabitants
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 August 2017
Migration is a change of the place of residence associated with crossing the administrative border of the area, for example. moving from town to town, from the countryside to the city or from the city to the countryside. Migration is also changing country of residence. However, migration is not a change of address within the same town or village in the case of municipalities and rural areas and...
Soon the move repairs Vilnius Street 3 in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 July 2017
Has been settled and determined by the contractor of the investment on the pavement of the road and sidewalks. Vilnius ' 3 in Elk. As part of the work will be done ·         demolition of the curb and concrete edging ·         demolition of the surface of the road and the pavement surface...
Started the first stage of the modernisation of the area Ełckiej Onal
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 July 2017
At the end of June was transferred to the construction contractor of the investment and upgrading works started in Ełckiej Onal. In the framework of the plan to ·         the reconstruction and adaptation of the building stacyjnego. 317 m2 ·         the construction of properties (disabled access ramp,...
Change the Organization of traffic on the street of Suwalki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 11 July 2017
Organisation of traffic on the repaired section: due to a change in traffic arrangement will be unblocked intersection Street Łukasiewicz, the participants of road traffic, including buses will use the detour to ul. Solar-powered and Kerosene. There may be a slight delay in running buses MZK. The expected closing time City section of ul. Suwałki is ok. 2 weeks. You should...
Premiere of the new episode of "City News"-July 7
Author: pg | Entry date: 07 July 2017
City of Elk has acquired a 3.4 million for renewal sites of Elk River
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 June 2017
On Thursday (June 27) at the Office of the Marshal in Olsztyn, a meeting was held, during which the Mayor of the city of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz signed an agreement with Marshal Of Warmia and Mazury To Mark Brzezinem, with which the city has acquired a 3.4 million for the implementation of the project "revitalization of degraded urban areas Elk River at the junction of ul. Park and the Polish...
3.4 million in funding to the "Discovery Park"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 June 2017
Derived measures derived from the regional operational programme of Warmia and Mazury for years 2014-2020. This is another project, which aims to revitalization (renewal) historic Ełckiej Onal, a tourist attraction of the region. The work will be consisted of Creating The Park Explorers. This will be the place that would become the heart of the activation of social and...
Modern electrostatic precipitators in ełk PEC. The next stage of investment
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 June 2017
The investment involves replacing the existing, mechanical installation, dust collection, modern and more efficient installation based on the electro-filters. The modernization includes boilers No. 2 and 3. Expected date of completion of the investment is November 2017. Has already been completed the first installation of the precipitator in boiler # 2. He worked throughout the heating season...
Temporary closure of the street segment Cologne in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 02 June 2017
From 5-17 June there will be a temporary closure of the street Cologne pedestrian in Elk, the section from the junction with the street Bora Komorowski to the roundabout at the city's ring road. Created by investment will provide the opportunity to travel and handle to the adjacent property. In the case of having its limitations details will be agreed with the owners. Works will be carried out...