News - Investments

To create a new town beach in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 September 2017
Does the project "development of tourism based on natural heritage and cultural cross-border towns of Elk and Kaunas". The main activity in the project after the Elk is a land bank of Ełckie Lake and a new beach. "the promontory" in a Lake, while on the side of the Kaunas construction. The project funded by the Interreg cooperation programme V-and Lithuania-Poland 2014-2020. Scope of works...
Further work on the street of Suwalki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 September 2017
Watch a new episode of "City News" September 1, 2017 year
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 September 2017
In came the information about free vaccinations against avian influenza for ełckich seniors, a converted surface roadway Street Norwid in Elk, subsequent planned investments, this time rebuilt will be lighting on the streets and in the Elk, as well as the training timetables applications for scholarships (social) and scholarships for social activity and academic performance. As always, do...
Refurbished lanes and pedestrian crossings in urban space
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 September 2017
The implementation of the work is divided into two stages: II stage Repeated execution of horizontal marking thin with reflector in selected locations, as well as pedestrian crossings (mainly the schools) within to August 31, 2017. pedestrian crossings-3600 m2 the solid lines and interrupted-850 m2 And stage The execution of horizontal marking thin with the reflection of...
The next stage of work on the street of Suwalki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 31 August 2017
Therefore, the planned work on the execution time of the texture, vehicles will be directed to one road ul. Suwałki. The participants of road traffic will move two directions on one half of the road. Will be also closed the crossing on the individual sections of the roadway. Sealing layer to be laid. 7:00 to ok. h. 17:00-18:00. In addition, on August 31, 2017, to 15:00 you can expect...
Repair and investment tasks in urban schools and kindergartens
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 August 2017
Completed repairs in urban schools and kindergartens. Below the list of investments made in the period July-August 2017. Kindergarten "Fairy Tale" ·         Adaptation of premises for the new (2) pre-school groups ·         New equipment acquired as a result of adaptation...
Temporary closure of street Bora Komorowski in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 August 2017
There will also be a direct passage for vehicles travelling to ul. Cologne (from the side of the ring road) to the ul. Bahrkego, and vice versa. Created by investment provides access to adjacent businesses. Special attention should be given to road signs in order to maintain the security of your own and other road users, as well as, where possible, move to other streets in the city ring road.
The Ministry of Development will allocate 2.5 billion on the development of medium-sized cities in Poland
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 18 August 2017
Researchers from the PAN within the developed report he was diagnosed 255 medium-sized cities, smaller than the capital of the province, inhabited by over 20 thousand. residents (in the case of cities in the district for more than 15 thousand). According to specialists in 122 medium-sized cities in the near future, may experience adverse socio-economic marginalization phenomena in relation to...
Premiere of the new episode of "City News"-August 18
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 18 August 2017
In the local ełckiej cable tv is broadcast news program "City News", which is created in cooperation with the municipality of Elk. Premiere of the new episode on Friday (August 18). 17:15. In the found information of the completed construction of the pitch. Mickiewicz 27, planned expansion of an existing Skatepark. Park, the 3rd Edition of the competition "your start-up – your future",...
Residents of the street Works can benefit from new road pavement
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 August 2017
Ended up another investment in Elk, which is to be rebuilt roadway surface street Norwid in Elk (approx. 215 m) ". The scope of work included the ·         perform demolition and excavation ·         implementation of the road surface of paving concrete...