News - Investments

Revitalization of successive courtyards in the Centre of ełk
Author: Paweł Butwiłowski | Entry date: 12 April 2018
Soon will begin another urban investment
Author: Damian Kurowski | Entry date: 06 April 2018
Retrofitting Street Bora Komorowski in Konieczki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 March 2018
The Elk in Konieczki will be another road investment, which will be modernized 240 metre stretch of ul. Bora Komorowski. The range of investments is • the execution of the road surface, the sidewalks and entries, • bike path • reconstruction of the lighting • reconstruction of the drainage • drains telecommunication • reconstruction of underground weapons...
Reconstruction of the transportation line # 3 and 5 in Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 March 2018
Another urban investment for modernization of road lighting. The task will consist of "reconstruction of the transport line # 3 and 5 in order to improve the public transport in Elk-and stage, divided into two parts." As part of their investment on the streets of Sikorski, and part of the ul. Suwałki mounted will be 289 new lighting fixtures. And stage the work was divided into two parts....
Another urban road investment in Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 March 2018
An agreement was signed with the contractor jobs and soon will begin work with the construction of the 07KDW Street in Julian Tuwim in Elk. The scope of work within the framework of the investment is • execution of the demolition and earthworks • building drainage • control devices wod-kan • construction of street lighting with LED technology • construction...
A new episode of "City News" – 23 February
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 23 February 2018
In includes information about the expansion of SP # 5 in Elk, the award ceremony "Sport Brand Of" ełk County clubs and scholarships for talented artists to the year 2018 by the Mayor of the city of Elk. As well as the competitive tender for the revitalization and land use Ełckiej Onal for the historical Museum in Elk (2 stage)-Discovery Park, in turn, funding for start-ups ełckich within...
Reconstruction of the premises of ełckie hospital "Pro-Medica"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 20 February 2018
Reconfiguring rooms ełckie hospital "Pro-Medica" for pelvic Sub-Division. Works are carried out in Block 1 (B) (on the first floor). Scope of work: ·         reconstruction of electrical and telecommunication ·         rebuilding of partition walls in public areas...
Discovery Park, in turn, is the next stage of the reconstruction of Ełckiej Railway, narrow gauge railway
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 February 2018
The investment will be creating the Park Explorers. The place that would become the heart of the activation of social and educational city residents and a new tourist attraction. The Park will be installed the following devices that will easily show the rules of physics, which are used in the operation of narrow-gauge railway. This will be the
"City News". Watch a new episode-9 February
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 February 2018
In includes information about presentation of the city's events calendar for the year 2018, putting to use the upgraded Fire Department Headquarters, at ul. Suwałki in Elk, you open the "seniors Club" in Elk and record buying books by a municipal public library in Elk in 2017, in addition, the Office Therefore ZIT MOF Elk informs: soon will move call for proposals to support economic...
Grants for repairs ełckich monuments in 2018 year
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 07 February 2018
Grants for funding restoration works, restoration or construction work may be granted to objects: 1. included in the register of monuments 2. in poor condition 3. holding for Elk important historical, artistic or tourist-recreational The amount to be distributed in the competition is 150 k. PLN (residential and other properties). A grant may apply to entities that...