
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 August 2017
Time for the modernisation of the Kosciuszko street lighting
Completed tender procedures and soon will begin reconstruction of the street lighting, ul. Kosciuszko in Elk. The total value of the investment is nearly 340 thousand. zł.

Has been settled and will soon be signed the agreement with the contractor, which will be revamped lighting line ul. Kościuszki for the section from the junction with ul. Polish troops to enter the University of Warmia and Mazury in Elk.

The construction works will be carried out without halting traffic on the street.

As part of the work will be done

·         removal of an existing line illumination

·         construction of a new line of lighting

·         installation of lighting poles with a LED

·         land use along with the playing surface paved and green,

In addition:

·         servicing of installed devices during the warranty period (10 years).

The contractor selected in tender is a company SETUP Władysław Bałdyga in Elk.
The total value of the investment is 338 250 zł.

Expected date of completion of the investment is 10 December 2017.