News - Investments

Subsequent renovations ełckich streets
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 March 2017
Information about the ełckich investment, which will be carried out in 2017: ul. Suwalska, Cologne, Yotvingians-II stage and Kochanowski (as of 28 February). I. ul. Yotvingians in ełk – phase II-START of WORK Reconstruction of the Yotvingians, elk Street from Yotvingians between serial architecture and made. Located between Suwalską and a paddock at the end of this street with a length of...
Results of a tender for the reconstruction of the street of Suwalki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 November 2016
Resolved an invitation to tender for the reconstruction of the street of Suwalki. The investment includes the reconstruction of czteropasowej Street carriageway of Suwalki (episode from the viaduct to the junction with the street Łukasiewicz dwupasowy University) along with all adjacent crossings. However, a cross between Suwalki-Łukasiewicz-the garden will be a cross between skanalizowanym...