Events - 05-2017

Recital of Jewish music. As painted by Mr. Chagall
From 26 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 26 May 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
Recital of Jewish music "As painted by Mr. Chagall" Marek Ravski-vocals, classical guitar Roman Ziemlański-classical guitar "HOW HE PAINTED MR CHAGALL" is a project of the musical-Visual, piano recital Mark Ravskiego linked to a multimedia presentation of the works of Chagall'a. ​ World of Jewish towns, characters, creating, Fiddlers on roofs. The works of Chagall sheepishly appear and...
Concert for I
From 26 May 2017 | Hour: 17:00 To 26 May 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Even the most loving we may be tired and need time for yourself. Keep your real mother's day and spoil yourself with a musical gift. 17.00 Mazurski song and dance ensemble 18.00 ełccy musicians: Ewa Awramik, Jolanta Wilczyńska Aleksandra Szejda, Milena Święcicka, Milko, Julia and Alice Szejda, Dominica Krassowska, Monika Konowalska (Kruse), Marcin Pyciak, Rafał Wilczewski, Daniel Szejda,...
Meeting with Prof. Beata 15
From 26 May 2017 | Hour: 17:00 To 26 May 2017 | Hour: 21:00 | Place: Muzeum Historyczne w Ełku
Beata Halicka, a culture expert, Professor at the University. Adam Mickiewicz, from 2013 works in the German-Polish Research Institute at the Collegium Polonicum in Słubice, a joint unit Research of Poznan University and the European University Viadrina Frankfurt (Oder). Between 2006-2014 she has taught cultural history of Central and Eastern Europe on EUV in Frankfurt (Oder), and also, as...
Championship Of The Floating Scale Models
From 26 May 2017 | Hour: 16:00 To 28 May 2017 | Hour: 14:00 | Place: Plaża Miejska w Ełku
An unusual treat for all who want to enjoy the games intricately made models that fidelity rendering of large originals is downright astonishing. Beautiful ships, boats and even submarines will be raced on the route. more information
Under fire from rockets. Life in the war zone-travel to Iraq
From 24 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 24 May 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
Welcome to the meeting organised with the participation of Open Doors is a Christian non-profit organization supporting and monitoring persecuted Christians in 45 countries, where they are victimized in some way.
"Its not you know and don't you admire, the time of delight to the nearby landscape"-family-run bike
From 21 May 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 21 May 2017 | Hour: 15:00 | Place: okolice Ełku
Society for local history and active tourism in CEE in the Elk we cordially invite you to another family-run bike. This time we are going to explore the area of Elk. The rally should bring a blanket, something to eat and to drink. The pace of the rally will be adapted to the youngest participant, so that all children could cross the planned route. In the course of the outbreak will be held...
European night of museums 2017
From 20 May 2017 | Hour: 19:00 To 20 May 2017 | Hour: 23:30 | Place: Ełcka Kolej Wąskotorowa
The historical Museum in Elk invites you to a European Night Of Museums 20.05.2017 in hours 19.00-23.30, Ełcka narrow gauge railway, ul. Narrow Track 1, elk Program: 19.00-opening of the exhibition of images by Thomas Budzynski, inspired by the theme of Ełckiej narrow-gauge Railways (wagon with the platform EKW) 20.00-Dr. Stefan m. Marcinkiewicz:...
DOFE & rope park
From 20 May 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 21 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Park Linowy w Ełku, Grunwaldzka 10
DOFE & Open Days Date: 20-21 may Place: Rope Park in Elk Point of interest: the first 50 people in each of the designated days uses the medium and high routes for free.
May walk ornithological
From 20 May 2017 | Hour: 07:00 To 20 May 2017 | Hour: 09:00 | Place: okolice Ełku
Bird lovers Club offers may walk ornithological. After a long wait, finally, you can consider that winter is a thing of the past. All signs on Heaven and Earth indicate, that in the end there was spring. In the bird world happens a lot and we will try to see it with my own eyes. First examine the surroundings CEE, and then we go for the Elk Lake to visit the grey wagtail yellow and gods...
Olga Ramirez
From 19 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 19 May 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
Graduate Education in the school of Communication and management in Poznań, author of crime novels: "Dead Lake", "is this rudy cat is a dog?", "Zacisze 13" and "Zacisze 13 Back". Working as Assistant to people with disabilities in the Polish social assistance Committee in śrem. Loves horseback riding and Latin rhythms, especially the salsa. Passionately reads Joanna Chmielewską, Stephen King,...
Bike and walk through the Wilderness Romincką
From 14 May 2017 | Hour: 08:00 To 14 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Park Krajobrazowy Puszczy Rominckiej
Small sections of the country, carefully selected due to an extraordinary landscape, the lively animal world and often unique habitats of the vegetation it scraps the North-Eastern Polish almost untainted by human hand and subject to strict or partial protection. For the same reasons, for which they are protected, they are for us an extremely attractive. No need to explain, after all, that the...
From 13 May 2017 | Hour: 13:00 To 13 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Environmental Education Center in Elk and Elk City Council invite you to family picnic bike, which will be held in the garden of the CEE. We invite all those who are just beginning the adventure of biking and those who ride already. This event promotes active family holiday, where you do not run out of competitions with prizes and good music. Promotion of cycling and healthy lifestyle. Bring...
How to effectively help people addicted?
From 13 May 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 13 May 2017 | Hour: 14:30 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
10.00 – 10.10 opening of the Conference 10.10-10.40 Alcoholism is also violence Mgr Marek Wysogrocki-Director of the addiction treatment Centre development of Sober Personality, a graduate of the University of Warsaw, Addiction Therapist, a Certified Specialist in the field of assistance to victims of violence in the family (the blue line IPZ) and therapist and degree of Therapy focused on...
Copyright meeting and opening of the exhibition
From 10 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 10 May 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
Meeting with Jerzy Kurowskim and the promotion of the book "Famous CD, the famous cover art" Opening of the exhibition covers the iconic vinyl records from the private collection of Jacek Rutkowski. The exhibition will be available in the library to 30 June 2017.
From 07 May 2017 | Hour: 13:10 To 07 May 2017 | Hour: 18:54 | Place: Sajzy - Straduny
Society for local history and active tourism in CEE in Elk cordially invites you to the next hike hiking the wilderness. This time we will wander in the vicinity of Lake Curvy. The Operator-Zirkle. Route: Sajzy-Lake Curves-Straduny (approx. 15 km). Date: 7 may (Sunday) Start in Sajzach: h. 13:10   Access to the Sajz: MZK bus line # 3: ticket price MZK-4.60 zł UL. Dąbrowski...
An exhibition of 40 prints by Rembrandt Van Rijn
From 04 May 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 04 June 2017 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Galeria Ślad
Exhibition of original prints of the Dutch painter, cartoonist and graphic designer. By Rembrandt. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn (1606 – Leiden. 1669) is generally considered one of the greatest artists of European and world. Rembrandt has created about three hundred graphic works. The themes most often repeated in the work of the Dutch master is the scene with the new and old testament,...