
From 13 May 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 13 May 2017 | Hour: 14:30 | Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
How to effectively help people addicted?
Date: 13-05-2017 - 13-05-2017 | Hour: 10:00
Place: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku
Organiser: Miejska Biblioteka Publiczna im. Zofii Nasierowskiej w Ełku, Komitet Społeczny Kościoła Ewangelicko-Metodystycznego w RP, Parafia Ewangelicko-Metodystyczna w Ełku, Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej w Ełku
Tickets: wstęp wolny
Jak skutecznie pomagać osobom uzależnionym.jpg

10.00 – 10.10 opening of the Conference

10.10-10.40 Alcoholism is also violence

Mgr Marek Wysogrocki-Director of the addiction treatment Centre development of Sober Personality, a graduate of the University of Warsaw, Addiction Therapist, a Certified Specialist in the field of assistance to victims of violence in the family (the blue line IPZ) and therapist and degree of Therapy focused on Solution

10.45-11.15 Juvenile Crime and drug addiction. Influence of psychoactive substances on breaking the law.

Mgr Barbara, Certified Addiction Specialist (National Security Bureau. Counter drug addiction), the diagnostic team Reformatory in Pszczyna, addiction treatment Clinic worker in Pszczyn, Therapist Dialogue Motivating, therapist and degree of Therapy focused on the solution, the implementer of EMMA.

11.30-12.00 Contemporary drug abuse – new substances and new challenges
Marek Kubica-Certified Instructor of Addiction (National Security Bureau. Counter drug addiction), the Administrative Director of NZOZ LEWIN in the Vistula River.

12.05 – 12.35 Crisis Intervention-the motivation to take treatment, drug therapy in Poland

KS. Mgr Paul Lewicki. Director of The addiction treatment NZOZ LEWIN in Wisła, Certified specialist in Psychotherapy of addiction (PARPA), works in the center of Psychiatry in Katowice (PLU Skoczów), POY and PLU VariusMED Cieszyn, 100s, therapist Dialogue incentive implementer of EMMA.
12.50-14.00 Dialog motivator – extraction of strengths workshop
14.00-14.10 end of the Conference

Conference participants will receive a certificate proving the participation in the Conference