
From 20 May 2017 | Hour: 07:00 To 20 May 2017 | Hour: 09:00 | Place: okolice Ełku
May walk ornithological
Date: 20-05-2017 - 20-05-2017 | Hour: 07:00
Place: okolice Ełku
Organiser: Klub Miłośników Ptaków przy Ełckim Stowarzyszeniu Ekologicznym
Tickets: bezpłatnie

Bird lovers Club offers may walk ornithological. After a long wait, finally, you can consider that winter is a thing of the past. All signs on Heaven and Earth indicate, that in the end there was spring. In the bird world happens a lot and we will try to see it with my own eyes. First examine the surroundings CEE, and then we go for the Elk Lake to visit the grey wagtail yellow and gods transformed procne into a brzegówkę.