Events - 08-2018

Masurian Cinema under the stars
From 28 August 2018 | Hour: 21:30 To 28 August 2018 | Hour: 23:30 | Place: Ełckiego Centrum Kultury, amfitetar
X Edition-Ełckie Concerts of organ and chamber music
From 26 August 2018 | Hour: 18:45 To 26 August 2018 | Hour: 20:15 | Place: Kościół Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego w Ełku
Culinary show "Frutti di Lago, that is, the culinary treasures of the Lakes"
From 26 August 2018 | Hour: 16:30 To 26 August 2018 | Hour: 19:30 | Place: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Canoe "for baked fish"
From 26 August 2018 | Hour: 10:40 To 26 August 2018 | Hour: 17:00 | Place: Straduny - Ełk
Herb walk-Edible fruits of autumn
From 25 August 2018 | Hour: 11:00 To 25 August 2018 | Hour: 13:00 | Place: Centrum Edukacji Ekologicznej w Ełku
Bike "Blue Ribbon"
From 19 August 2018 | Hour: 07:30 To 19 August 2018 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Ełk - Giżycko - Ełk
Masurian Drive-in
From 17 August 2018 | Hour: 21:00 To 17 August 2018 | Hour: 23:00 | Place: Targowisko Miejskie
Ełk On Three Octaves
From 17 August 2018 | Hour: 19:00 To 19 August 2018 | Hour: 23:00 | Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury, amfiteatr
Welcome to the III Edition of "Elk On Three Octaves." In the days of 17-19 August 2018, the audience will be able to hear: Polish and world music flute and klarnetowej, the four seasons-Antonio Vivaldi and Accordion in another dimension ... Program: August 17 (Friday) at 7:00 pm. 19:00-ticket 20 PLN Polish and world music flute and klarnetowej Łukasz Długosz-flute Krzysztof...
Nordic Walking-your weapon in the fight for health and fitness
From 16 August 2018 | Hour: 08:00 To 16 August 2018 | Hour: 10:00 | Place: Ełk
98. The anniversary of the battle of Warsaw, the miracle on the Vistula "
From 15 August 2018 | Hour: 09:45 To 15 August 2018 | Hour: 21:00 | Place: Katedra św. Wojciecha, Promenada przy ul. Pułaskiego
On Wednesday, August 15, in the Elk will be held the celebration of the feast of the Polish Army. The program of the ceremony: 9:45 Mass in the Cathedral of St. Adalbert in ełk 10:45 parade of the participants under the obelisk of Marshal Józef Piłsudski 11:15 Ceremony at the Obelisk of Marshal Józef Piłsudski FAMILY PICNIC on the promenade. Pulaski: 14:00 Urban Concert wind Orchestra...
Masurian Cinema under the stars
From 14 August 2018 | Hour: 21:30 To 14 August 2018 | Hour: 23:30 | Place: Ełckiego Centrum Kultury, amfitetar
Night Of The Perseid
From 12 August 2018 | Hour: 20:30 To 12 August 2018 | Hour: 23:59 | Place: Ełk
Family bike tour "around the top of the Tatar"
From 12 August 2018 | Hour: 10:00 To 12 August 2018 | Hour: 15:00 | Place: Ełk
Star Of The North
From 12 August 2018 | Hour: 00:00 To 15 August 2018 | Hour: 00:00 | Place: Plac JP II
Canoe "Picturesque Masurian Lakes"
From 11 August 2018 | Hour: 08:00 To 11 August 2018 | Hour: 18:00 | Place: Straduny - Stare Juchy - Straduny
Nordic Walking-recreation in harmony with nature
From 09 August 2018 | Hour: 06:30 To 09 August 2018 | Hour: 08:30 | Place: Ełk
Masurian Cinema under the stars
From 07 August 2018 | Hour: 21:30 To 07 August 2018 | Hour: 23:30 | Place: Ełckiego Centrum Kultury, amfitetar
The Mazurian Summer Music-Sound'n ' grace
From 04 August 2018 | Hour: 10:00 To 04 August 2018 | Hour: 23:00 | Place: Plaża miejska, ul Parkowa
Date: 4.08.2018 PLACE: MUNICIPAL BEACH, UL. PARKOWA Support-Aga Dyk Start: 18:00
24. The Mazurian Summer Cabaret Mulatto
From 02 August 2018 | Hour: 16:00 To 05 August 2018 | Hour: 23:00 | Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
From 1995 the year MULATKA makes to Elk flock satirists, prześmiewcy, there is much singing, to laugh to tears audience spragnioną laughter. In this year's Edition of the Festival there will also the annual struggle for GRAND PRIX review ... On the stage of the EBONY his first steps, put such comedians as: Jurki, Snip, Ireneusz Krosny, Grzegorz Halama, Shilajit, Hunter. (B), cousins, or Mru...