
From 21 May 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 21 May 2017 | Hour: 15:00 | Place: okolice Ełku
"Its not you know and don't you admire, the time of delight to the nearby landscape"-family-run bike
Date: 21-05-2017 - 21-05-2017 | Hour: 10:00
Place: okolice Ełku
Organiser: Towarzystwo Krajoznawstwa i Turystyki Aktywnej przy CEE w Ełku
Tickets: bezpłatnie

Society for local history and active tourism in CEE in the Elk we cordially invite you to another family-run bike. This time we are going to explore the area of Elk. The rally should bring a blanket, something to eat and to drink. The pace of the rally will be adapted to the youngest participant, so that all children could cross the planned route. In the course of the outbreak will be held (lunch on your own). Bike leads Alexander Szmurło of TKiTA. NOTE: At the rally, you must customize the dress to the prevailing weather conditions, children mandatory ride in helmets!

During the rally will be held on "Landscape Painting" by children (we provide block and crayons). You will be able to purchase eggs from happy cock running freely on the grass, there will also be a great prospect for a bunker hidden in tall grass. There are still a few attractions that you will learn during the rally.


Registration: Tel. 87/610 16 24, e-mail: [email protected]