
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 June 2017
Runmageddon Ełcki behind us
Time for a summary of the next summer edition of extreme gear with obstacles Runmageddon "ROOKIE"-6 km and "CLASSIC"-12 km, and "Kids" ok. 1 km, which took place in Elk. In the competition participated a total of 2174 people.

In the Elk on 24-25 June held another edition of extreme gear with obstacles Runmageddon "ROOKIE", "CLASSIC" and "Kids". In the competition participated a total of 2174 people, who wanted to test their strength, jumping, endurance and mental resistance.

Runmageddon "the ROOKIE"-1157osób (ełczanie-150 people)
6 extreme kilometers and more than 30 challenging obstacles.

The ' CLASSIC ' Runmageddon-546 (ełczanie-50)
It is 12 kilometres and 50 obstacles of varying degrees of difficulty, which meet only the toughest. It will be a true test of strength and character.

Runmageddon "Kids"-474 people (including young ełczanie-220)
The children in two age categories 4-7 years and 8-11 years has been waiting for long route. 1 km and 10 obstacles.

Photos from the event: