
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 June 2017
94 k. for the implementation of the programme the MOPSu ełckie "Assistant"
Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk raised close to 94 000. zł for the implementation "of the program Assistant family and family foster care coordinator for 2017". Obtained funds will provide support for families in difficulty nursing education through the work of assistants of the family.

The Ministry of family, work and social policy has granted the City social assistance Centre in Elk a grant of £ 93 974 on the implementation of the "Program Assistant family and family foster care coordinator for 2017". This is a continuation of the activities of previous years.

Employed within the framework of the grant family assistants help families not only in educational issues, but also in everyday matters, in accordance with existing medical problems of the family.

Ełcki "Program Assistant family" from 2012, with the financial support of the Ministry of family, work and social policy.

With grants in 2017 will be continued employment 6 assistants family.
In the year 2016, including the support of assistants of the family included 91 families, including 208 children.

The employment of assistants in previous years:

·         2014-worked 6 assistants

·         2015-worked 7 assistants

·         2016-worked 6 assistants.

The scope of activities of the Assistant of the family:

·         work with your family on the basis of a jointly developed plan of work

·         help to improve the situation, including the proper skills doing household

·         help in solving problems: social, psychological, parenting with children

·         the promotion of social activity families

·         help in the search, making and maintaining employment

·         motivation to participate in group activities for parents, aimed at shaping valid patterns of parental and psychosocial skills

·         emergency actions and countermeasures in emergency situations of children and families

·         individual consultation of education for children and their parents

·         the return of children to the families of the biological

·         cooperation with other entities

One family Assistant may at the same time work up to 15 families.