News - Culture

The package for medium-sized cities – meeting of local government officials from Warmia and Mazury
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 19 September 2017
During a meeting in the Town Hall letter co-signed births Kętrzyn addressed to the Minister of development and Marshal of Warmia and Mazury with proposals for the modification of the package. The Government's package is a proposal to support 255 cities, prepared by the Ministry of development. Special assistance can count 122 urban centres. In this group is the 12 towns of Warmia and...
Theatre "Dziady-First Night"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 19 September 2017
On Thursday 21 September you will be able to see the theatre "Dziady-Night First." It is staging the drama of Adam Mickiewicz, realized on the basis of "DZIADY. IV "with elements of" DZIADY. II. " The launch of the play. 18:00. Presentation of the breaks with the previous tradition of the inscenizacyjną, which is usually addressed with the staging of the fourth part of "DZIADY" as the least...
A celebration of 78. anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 15 September 2017
On Sunday September 17, 2017 onwards. 18:00 will take place at the celebration of the 78. anniversary of SOVIET aggression on Poland. To participate in the celebration invites President Of Elk and historical Museum in Elk. While the Western Polish territory was invaded by German troops from the East Poland attacked Soviet State. Soviet troops invaded the eastern areas of the second Polish...
European Week Of Sustainable Transport
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 14 September 2017
The project aims to increase environmental awareness on the use of passenger cars. To show the benefits of selecting environmentally friendly to other forms of transport, such as bicycles, public transport or move around on foot. In: 16-22-"I use MZK" instead of the car select transport communication ·    contest with gift shop September 18-"eco Walk"...
Regional Holiday Honey
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 September 2017
On Saturday (September 16) in the ECK will be held on the next edition of the Regional "Holy Honey". As always, do not run out of food and shopping stalls, crafts and manufacturers of local products. In addition, during the event you select "honey" and "the best honey cake". In: ·         h. 11:40 – start of Regional Holidays. Senior Choir Concert...
Open Days Art School
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 September 2017
In connection with the start of the new school year, in the ełckiej School of Art, 14-16 of September will be held "open days". On Thursday (September 14). 17:00-20:00, Fri (September 15). 17:00-20:00 and Saturday (September 16). 10:00-13:00. You will be able to take part in free and choose something for everyone, regardless of age and skills. New art school:...
President Tomasz Andrukiewicz signed an agreement on the launch of "School Leaders Of Elk"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 September 2017
Strong city needs strong leaders and to serve this innovative program that combines leadership course with teamwork, strengthening cooperation, and all for the benefit of the further development of the Elk. Yesterday (September 11) 2017, President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz signed an agreement with a member of the Board of Veolia Term North Jack supported only, Member of the Board of the...
And Masurian Gospel Workshops
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 September 2017
In the days of 8-10 September 2017, ECK will be held "and Masurian Workshops Gospel". Participation fee-$ 60/person. Workshops will be hosted by Adam Kosewski – arranger, composer, pianist, singer and teacher. His passion is writing music and carrying large teams, in particular the symphony orchestras and gospel choirs. Gospel workshops instructor (far in Olsztyn, Poland, Gliwice,...
Began to call for applications for scholarships for social activities and academic performance
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 September 2017
Scholarships can get students ełckich primary schools (from kl. V), junior high and high school team sports schools in Elk, who meet the following criteria: ·         are active and engaged in social activities for the local environment, school and peer; ·         achieve excellent results in learning (the...
The Literary Competition Of Siegfried Lenz's "Face Of Europe"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 September 2017
The organizer of the contest city public library. Zofia Nasierowskiej in Elk August 31, 2017, ended up taking work and International Literary Siegfried Lenz's "Face of Europe". The contest received up 119 works! Currently the jury began checking the submitted literary works. Contest will be held October 7, 2017. The prize in the contest is 10 thousand. zł:...