News - Culture

The city's Independence anniversary celebration on November 11
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 11 November 2017
November 11, 1918 the year is a ground-breaking date in the history of Europe, but above all in the history of the Polish nation. After 123 years of captivity came with the coveted freedom – Poland regained its independence. We encourage you to participate in municipal celebrations commemorating those events, but also to display the red and white flags and displaying other patriotic symbols....
Common trees in our city
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 November 2017
Below picture gallery of this event.
Joint projects, Elk and Alytusa positively assessed and qualified for funding
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 November 2017
Two projects Of Elk on the list of 38 projects for funding from the INTERREG programme Lithuania-Poland. The competition has been submitted a total of 89 applications. Project 1 -"Opened a window to the world for children with Elk and Alytusa" The project leader is the city of Elk while the partner is the Centre of social services in Alytus. The total value of the project is...
History of Elk and the surrounding area is stored in the necropolis – still we remember
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 03 November 2017
Symbolically Warsaw Uprising where took place the turbulent fight, but sprzęgły the fate of the multicultural communities of ełckiej and incumbent here, Germans, Russians and a citizen of France. Once again visited the grave of the soldier's AK, Władysław "Vulture" Świackiego, decorated Virtuti Militari V class, the patron saint of one of city streets. The youth was divided into teams...
All souls ' Day-concert "Loud Jazz Band"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 02 November 2017
All souls in the ECK on Sunday 5 November 2017, Before ełcką the audience gets them the artists of the Polish-Norwegian formation "Loud Jazz Band". The start of the concert. 17:00 in the Hall Ełckie cultural center. In the music of "Loud Jazz Band" can be heard not only jazz classic Edition, but also free jazz and improvised. All combined with the dynamics of rock and word music, creates an...
A new episode of "City News" 27 October
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 October 2017
In came the information This answer the fourth edition of the competition "your start-up – your future", organized by the science and Technology Park in Elk, acquisition by the city of Ełk 112 thousand. in the framework of the Government's "Active array", the modernisation of the pavement. Goods in Elk (a handle to the cemetery # 2), as well as the tasks contracted NGO and 2017 ełk...
"The Exposure/Past-Present-Future"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 26 October 2017
The project "Background/Past-Present-Future" is to break the stereotype that the art gallery is not a place for children and young people, and contemporary art is difficult to understand for a young audience. That's why Ełckie cultural center from November 9, serves children and youth together with their teachers, carers and parents on a range of activities planned under the project. The total...
The parade of "enlightened"-trail of the new Downtown of the city of Ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 October 2017
The parade of "enlightened"-trail of the new Downtown Of Elk will be held 27 October 2017. Start the parade. 18:00 ul. Mickiewicz 20. During the event you will be able to see the effects of several months of work streetworkerów and on ełckich Street. The parade of "enlightened" pass trail made by residents and to residents of social initiatives/event guide ełcki Theatre "DELICACY". The total...
Meeting Of The "Swedish Lutherans Mazurom"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 October 2017
On Thursday October 26, will be held the meeting "Swedish Lutherans Mazurom". Kick-off at 8:00 pm. 17:00 in a conference room in Elk, ul. Army 17 (B). The organizer of the event is the historical Museum in Elk. In: ·         Lecture by Professor Anders Jarlerta-"Swedish help Mazurom as the turning point in the history of the Lutheran Church of...
Painter's emotions-Joy
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 October 2017
The next edition of the lecture series "painter's emotions". This time shown will be joyful and full of happiness images. Meeting Mańczuk master's degree graduate, Edith leads at the Faculty of fine arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń. Meetings are held in the Concert Hall of art school in Elk, ul. Army 21. Within the framework of the "painter's emotions" will be held the following...