
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 September 2017
Regional Holiday Honey
Ełckie Cultural Center on September 16, at 7:00 pm 11:40 invites you to "the feast of Honey". Traditionally, you will be able to read and acquire the best apiculture products prepared by beekeepers with many years of experience and listen to lectures about healthy cooking and the nutritional value of honey.

On Saturday (September 16) in the ECK will be held on the next edition of the Regional "Holy Honey". As always, do not run out of food and shopping stalls, crafts and manufacturers of local products. In addition, during the event you select "honey" and "the best honey cake".


·         h. 11:40 – start of Regional Holidays. Senior Choir Concert "Lakeland"

·         h. 11:40 – fair honey and apiculture products

·         h. 12:00-13:30-competition for the best honey: canola, Linden, buckwheat, specific and flower

·         h. 13:30-14:30-competition for the best cake with honey

·         h. 14:30-15:30-lecture: "Honey-treasure of nature. Health promoting properties and culinary value of honey "

·         h. 15:30-artistic performances, vocal group "mazurską note"

·         h. 15:30 – resolution of contests and announcement of results

To take part in the competition for "the best honey cake" belongs to the September 14, downloaded from registration form, fill out and send to the ECK.

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