
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 15 September 2017
A celebration of 78. anniversary of the Soviet invasion of Poland
The Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz and historical Museum in Elk September 17, 2017 onwards. 18:00 invite you to participate in the celebrations of the 78. anniversary of SOVIET aggression on Poland. In the Cathedral of St. Wojciech celebrated will be Mass for the intentions of all the fallen in the defense of our homeland, in the East, then at the Memorial to the victims of Katyn 1940 and Smolensk 2010 will be placed flowers and lit candles.

On Sunday September 17, 2017 onwards. 18:00 will take place at the celebration of the 78. anniversary of SOVIET aggression on Poland. To participate in the celebration invites President Of Elk and historical Museum in Elk.

While the Western Polish territory was invaded by German troops from the East Poland attacked Soviet State. Soviet troops invaded the eastern areas of the second Polish Republic at dawn on September 17, 1939, in contravention of the international law.

Soviet aggression has accelerated the collapse and partition of our country, which has lost in this moment forever your territory in the Eastern borderlands. Poland and its citizens found themselves in a bind. Banishment to Siberia, the persecution of Poles, crime on Polish officers in the Katyn massacre and subsequent dependence on Moscow were the result of aggression of the German and the Allied Red Army for our country.

In the ceremony:

·         h. 18:00-Mass. in the Cathedral of St. Wojciech

·         h. 19:00-submission of flowers and candles at the monument to the victims of Katyn 1940 and Smolensk 2010

If you will disable stickers '-memory ... The stones cry out to be Murdered, Killed, Lost ... not only on the "inhuman" – residents of Elk.