News - With The Town Hall

Further work on the street of Suwalki
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 September 2017
Project ełckie MOPSu ' In Ełk – Together for safety "
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 07 September 2017
The project "city of Ełk – together for security," is aimed at primary school students, youth, middle school and secondary, seniors and other residents of our city. The main goal of the project is to educate for the safety of the residents of Elk in this comprehensive support for families, children, young people, people trapped in the violence, as well as the representatives of the...
Call for a complementary to the Academy of Young Eagles in Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 September 2017
On Saturday September 16, 2017, will call for a complementary to the Academy of Young Eagles in Elk. Testing the efficiency of General and special will be carried out on the pitch Orlik, ul. 03-2 (SP 4). In: ·         h. 10:00-11:00-registration for all vintages ·         h. 11:00-12:30-physical...
Apply to the school scholarship
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 September 2017
School scholarship have students living in the city of Ełk, attending to: ·       public and non-public schools about public schools for young people and for adults and students of the colleges for social service workers-until you have completed training, not longer than until 24. years of age; ·       public and non-public...
And Masurian Gospel Workshops
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 September 2017
In the days of 8-10 September 2017, ECK will be held "and Masurian Workshops Gospel". Participation fee-$ 60/person. Workshops will be hosted by Adam Kosewski – arranger, composer, pianist, singer and teacher. His passion is writing music and carrying large teams, in particular the symphony orchestras and gospel choirs. Gospel workshops instructor (far in Olsztyn, Poland, Gliwice,...
Began to call for applications for scholarships for social activities and academic performance
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 September 2017
Scholarships can get students ełckich primary schools (from kl. V), junior high and high school team sports schools in Elk, who meet the following criteria: ·         are active and engaged in social activities for the local environment, school and peer; ·         achieve excellent results in learning (the...
The Literary Competition Of Siegfried Lenz's "Face Of Europe"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 September 2017
The organizer of the contest city public library. Zofia Nasierowskiej in Elk August 31, 2017, ended up taking work and International Literary Siegfried Lenz's "Face of Europe". The contest received up 119 works! Currently the jury began checking the submitted literary works. Contest will be held October 7, 2017. The prize in the contest is 10 thousand. zł:...
Tea business practices-operational consultancy
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 September 2017
7 September 2017 onwards. 14:00 in the science and technology park in Elk, ul. Suburban 5 will be held the meeting "with business practices-operational advice". The meeting will be hosted by Elizabeth Wise-Advisor management and process optimization, licensed trainer of efficiency. He works in the areas of competence development, strategic management, change management training and improve...
Watch a new episode of "City News" September 1, 2017 year
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 September 2017
In came the information about free vaccinations against avian influenza for ełckich seniors, a converted surface roadway Street Norwid in Elk, subsequent planned investments, this time rebuilt will be lighting on the streets and in the Elk, as well as the training timetables applications for scholarships (social) and scholarships for social activity and academic performance. As always, do...
Refurbished lanes and pedestrian crossings in urban space
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 September 2017
The implementation of the work is divided into two stages: II stage Repeated execution of horizontal marking thin with reflector in selected locations, as well as pedestrian crossings (mainly the schools) within to August 31, 2017. pedestrian crossings-3600 m2 the solid lines and interrupted-850 m2 And stage The execution of horizontal marking thin with the reflection of...