News - With The Town Hall

Pope blesses ełczanom
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 26 January 2018
In a letter from the Vatican, which President Elk Thomas Andrukiewicza sent on behalf of Pope Francis Assessor Mons. Paolo Borgia, "The Holy Father entrust ourselves to Mary, mother of the Incarnate Word, the Lord, his colleagues and all the inhabitants of the Elk, and wishing you a heart filled with peace and love, his apostolic blessing."
Nearly 50 thousand. zł for holidays for children and adolescents with Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 January 2018
Funding has been granted to local non-governmental organisations providing relax during the winter holidays for children and adolescents with Elk (winter camps and sport camps) . The total amount granted 13 grants for winter holiday is £ 49 800, which include the following: ·         10 form fixed and 3 exit,...
The media today have their feast
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 24 January 2018
Every year on January 24 is celebrated World Day of social communications. That day in the Catholic Church is the memory. Francis is the patron saint of journalists). Pope Pius XI in 1923 he proclaimed. Francis, who lived in the years 1567-1622, the maintainer and supporter of the creators of the means of social communication. The tradition has become the meeting on this day, representatives of...
Asbestos removal in the city of Ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 18 January 2018
The grant program started "asbestos removal" 2018. The provincial Fund for environmental protection and water management in Olsztyn, in which you can apply for funding for asbestos removal tasks. Applications are accepted at the Registry Office of the city of Elk to 15 February 2018. Applicants can apply for ·         natural persons...
Last call for applications for scholarships for social activities and academic performance
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 January 2018
Scholarships can get students ełckich primary schools (from kl. V), junior high and high school team sports schools in Elk, who meet the following criteria: ·         are active and engaged in social activities for the local environment, school and peer ·         achieve excellent results in learning (the...
Apply for the award of the White Lily for achievements in the year 2017
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 January 2018
The idea of this Prize rewards people who in a special way your daily work, activity and commitment to serve the city and its residents and contribute to the promotion of Elk. Awards are granted to natural persons, legal and other entities for outstanding achievements in the preceding calendar year or for activities in 8 categories: 1. Patron of the Sport, 2. Athlete of the year...
You have a problem? Get help from ełckiej Counseling and awareness-Consultation
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 16 January 2018
Outpatient Consultation Immunology was established three years ago in response to the growing need to support children and young people and their families. In a preventive assistance, psychological and therapeutic can get people between 10 and 19 years of age and their parents. Are conducted both individual and group. In the clinic, depending on your needs and the problem, are meeting...
Take part in the competition for the best thesis about Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 January 2018
The competition is addressed to graduates of the master's degree, engineering, undergraduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies, writing his work about the Elk in the area eg. tourism and recreation, social policy, public administration or business development. It is already the 12TH Edition of the competition. The prize pool for this year is 15 000 zł. Works must be submitted by...
City of Elk has an invitation to tender for the further expansion of the PUG in ełk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 11 January 2018
Activities are intended to improve access to social and health benefits for the residents of Elk and the fight against social exclusion and poverty. The town of Ełk resolved the next invitation to tender for the remodeling and expansion of the PUG in Elk. Piłsudski 8 (4-7). The work has been divided into stages and will be consisted of on: Stage 4 ·   ...
"Topicha"-A Show Ełckie Dance Theatre
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 11 January 2018
On Sunday January 14, 2018, will be "Topicha", performed by Ełckie dance theatre. Start the event at 8:00 pm. 16:00 in room ECK. Tickets are $15 per person, available at the box office or on ECK "Topicha" The show tells the story of a woman, rejected for unknown reasons by your community. In an act of desperation the girl decides to commit suicide tonąc in...