
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 07 September 2017
Project ełckie MOPSu ' In Ełk – Together for safety "
Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk acquired 45 000 € for the implementation of the project "city of Ełk – together for security," in the framework of the Government of reducing crime and antisocial behavior. Wladyslaw Stasiak for 2016 and 2017. Project will be carried out from September to December 2017.

The project "city of Ełk – together for security," is aimed at primary school students, youth, middle school and secondary, seniors and other residents of our city.

The main goal of the project is to educate for the safety of the residents of Elk in this comprehensive support for families, children, young people, people trapped in the violence, as well as the representatives of the services in the area of the prevention of violence in the family:

·         education for safety in the range cyberspace, the road, the dangers of psychoactive substances, peer violence

·         education of the local community in the direction of tolerance towards people of other nationalities, ethnic, racial, religious

·         protection of the child-violence, cruelty, demoralizing, neglect

Planned activities are

·         intergenerational educational meetings

·         workshops for parents/guardians of the child, the parents/guardians parents with families at risk of violence

·         training for those working with people experiencing or threatened with violence in the family risks arising from new technologies

·         superwizja-for those working in the area of the prevention of violence in the family

·         social campaign "the White Ribbon" Stop violence against women

·         activity information and promotional

·         meeting with the officers ełckiej police and municipal police

·         emergency services professionals (psychologist, socjoterapeuty, pedagogue, legal, and social workers)

Project will be carried out from September to December 2017.

The task of the Ministry of Internal Affairs co-funded and administration.

The total value of the project is $56 815, including:

·         £ 45 220-funding

·         £ 11 595-from the budget of the city of Elk

For more information contact PUG in Elk, Teresa Stankiewicz 87 732-67-21, e-mail: [email protected]