News - With The Town Hall

Ełk awarded the certificate ", local Government Leader Education 2017" and highlighted in the category "leader of the Educational Cooperation"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 December 2017
Pageant, SEVENTH Edition of the national certification program the municipalities, districts and Self-governing Provinces ' local government leader of the Education "was held December 9, 2017 year in the Auditorium of the Jagiellonian University Collegium Novum in Krakow. In the 7th Edition of the "local Government Leader Education" Town Elk were among the 75 municipalities and counties from...
Changes to routes and timetables of buses MZK line 11 and 14
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 13 December 2017
To the timetables (line 11 and 14) will be included stops on the street. Bahrkego and ul. Cologne in Elk. In connection with the applicable schedules change. In addition: ·         for both lines in Konieczki will change the directivity of the stops ·         in the direction of the bus loop...
Winter city
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 December 2017
Winter action, in accordance with the contract with the undertaking of municipal services in Elk SP. z o. o. includes removal of mechanical and manual snow and slippery from the roadway and pedestrian. The total area to keep the winter, compared to last year will increase by 52 841 m2 and will be 850 551 m2 urban areas covered by the agreement, including:...
The best students in our city have received scholarships for academic performance and social activities
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 December 2017
Yesterday (December 5) in ełk Town Hall held the award ceremony of grants the best urban students of primary schools and secondary schools for academic performance and social activities. During a meeting with President Elk awards received 44 young ełczan. Scholarships are awarded to students ' financial support of urban primary schools (FPS. V and VI), junior high and high school team sports...
School scholarships granted to students ełckich schools
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 December 2017
In the school year 2017/2018 for the period September-December 2017 school scholarships (social) have been awarded to almost 600 students ełckich schools. The amount of the scholarship (one-time transfer) depends on the income per person in the family and ranges from $420 to $640. To apply for a scholarship from the school, as a material aid of a social character is entitled to a...
Grants for activities in the field of the development of the sport in 2018-call for applications only to 4 December
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 December 2017
The special subsidy from the budget of the city of Elk can receive sports clubs, sports activities in the city of Ełk, failed to make a profit, that participate in organised sporting competitions in team sports and individual. For the implementation of the tasks of the development of sport in 2018 was intended amount of 100 thousand. zł. Condition for applying for by sports clubs grant...
Beware of carbon monoxide (Chad)
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 December 2017
Carbon monoxide is formed during incomplete combustion (with oxygen). The gas extremely threatening to the life, because it is undetectable senses (odorless, colorless and tasteless). Blocks the access of oxygen to the body, by taking his place in the red blood cells, causing death by suffocation. TAKE CARE FOR THE SAFETY OF YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES! Be sure!...
£ 2 million obtained funds for the development of e-services in ełk Town Hall
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 30 November 2017
The local Government of the Elk puts on new technologies and the systematic development of e-services for residents. Therefore, in 2018, in the municipality of Elk will be implemented the project "the use of modern information and communication technologies-ICT in public services provided by the city of Elk" funded by the European Development Fund Regional. The project involves the following...
"We on these German lands not będziem, we here in pojedziem..."
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 30 November 2017
December 1, 2017, will be held a lecture of Dr. Stefan Michal Marcinkiewicz "We on these German lands not będziem, we here in pojedziem...". Kick-off at 8:00 pm. h. 18:00 in the Conference Room library, ul. Army 17 (B). More on: