
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 December 2017
The best students in our city have received scholarships for academic performance and social activities
The President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz 5 December 2017, handed out scholarships best urban students of primary schools and secondary schools for academic performance and social activities. The total amount granted scholarships to 29 thousand. zł.

Yesterday (December 5) in ełk Town Hall held the award ceremony of grants the best urban students of primary schools and secondary schools for academic performance and social activities. During a meeting with President Elk awards received 44 young ełczan.

Scholarships are awarded to students ' financial support of urban primary schools (FPS. V and VI), junior high and high school team sports schools who show a significant activity of the socially useful and achieve very good academic results.

The scholarship period from 1 September to 31 December 2017, received 131 requests.


Elementary schools – 31 scholarships

·         SP # 1 in Elk-2

·         SP nr 2 im. Division I t. Kościuszki in Elk-4

·         SP # 3. H. Sienkiewicz in Elk-4

·         SP # 4. Prof. On. Elk-03-8

·         SP # 5 the m. Konopnickiej in Elk-2

·         SP Sport No. 6 in Team sports schools in Elk-4

·         SP # 7 z Oddziałami Integracyjnymi in Elk-3

·         SP # 9. John Paul II in Elk-4

Middle schools-13 scholarships

·         Gimnazjum nr 1 im. Danuta Siedzikówny "Inca" in Elk-2

·         Gimnazjum nr 3 im. Kard. S. Wyszyński in Elk-3

·         Middle School No. 4 in Elk-3

·         High School Sports in School Sports in Elk-3

·         branches of the grammar school in SP1 in Elk-2

The scholarships are worth £ 150 (primary school) and £ 200 (high school) per month and will be paid directly to the schools.

The scholarship can receive a student who:

·         is active and involved in social activities for the local environment, school and peer,

·         achieves excellent results in learning (the average for the last school year-not less than 4.5 and least good score of behavior).

A request for grant of scholarship for a student may occur:

·         Director of the School Council, parents,

·         parents, guardians of the student,

·         foundations, associations, organizations and other entities to promote or implement educational activities for students.

 Applications are accepted in the Faculty of education (room no. 369, 3rd floor) Tel.: 87 732-62-69:

·         to 15 September in the scholarship period from 1 September to 31 December in the calendar year concerned,

·         to 20 January on scholarship period from 1 January to 30 June of the following year.

Terms and conditions for granting of scholarships is available in the Faculty of Education of the city of Elk

The total amount granted scholarships to 29 thousand. zł.