
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 December 2017
School scholarships granted to students ełckich schools
The President of Elk admitted scholarships school close to 600 students from ełckich elementary school, junior high, and secondary. The payment of grants in ełckich schools began December 5, 2017.

In the school year 2017/2018 for the period September-December 2017 school scholarships (social) have been awarded to almost 600 students ełckich schools.

The amount of the scholarship (one-time transfer) depends on the income per person in the family and ranges from $420 to $640.

To apply for a scholarship from the school, as a material aid of a social character is entitled to a student who meets the following criteria:

·       High school student public or non-public (elementary school, junior high school, secondary school), a public and non-public rewalidacyjno resort – parental leave (until the implementation of the obligation of science), listener colleges social service workers (until you have completed training, not longer, however, than to complete 24 years of age).

·       Student/listener, who comes from a family in hardship. the amount of income per person in the family in the month preceding submission of the application does not exceed £ 514.

·       Student/listener, who resides in the city of Ełk.

School scholarship can receive student listener in difficult circumstances resulting from the low income per person in the family, in particular when in this family occurs:

·       unemployment,

·       disability,

·       severe or prolonged illness,

·       wielodzietność,

·       the lack of skills of filling nursing features educational,

·       alcoholism or drug abuse,

·       incomplete family,

·       the event occurred.

The total amount granted scholarships for the period September-December 2017 is ok. 250 thousand. zł, including budget of 50 thousand. zł.