News - Education

Celebration of the 36. anniversary of the introduction of martial law in Poland
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 12 December 2017
On Wednesday 13 December 2017, our city will take place at the "celebration of 36. anniversary of the introduction of martial law in Poland ". In opening of the exhibition ' war Elk 1981-1983 ", lecture by Dr. Martin Zwolskiego and the Holy Mass in the Cathedral of St. Adalbert in ełk. In: h. 17:00 – start of celebrations ·        ...
Take part in the competition "Let's build Together"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 07 December 2017
Build with blocks any design Christmas and take part in the competition. In a pre-Christmas fun can take part children and youth aged 5-16 years, having in your home. In the competition, you must build your own LEGO Christmas holiday e.g.: Christmas tree, wool, reindeer or star or any other building filled with Christmas decorations. Deadline for the December 9, 2017. In:...
The best students in our city have received scholarships for academic performance and social activities
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 06 December 2017
Yesterday (December 5) in ełk Town Hall held the award ceremony of grants the best urban students of primary schools and secondary schools for academic performance and social activities. During a meeting with President Elk awards received 44 young ełczan. Scholarships are awarded to students ' financial support of urban primary schools (FPS. V and VI), junior high and high school team sports...
School scholarships granted to students ełckich schools
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 December 2017
In the school year 2017/2018 for the period September-December 2017 school scholarships (social) have been awarded to almost 600 students ełckich schools. The amount of the scholarship (one-time transfer) depends on the income per person in the family and ranges from $420 to $640. To apply for a scholarship from the school, as a material aid of a social character is entitled to a...
Santa's factory, which is the winter art workshops
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 December 2017
On Wednesday December 6 will take place at the winter art workshops "factory of Santa Claus". Start the event at 8:00 pm. 15:00. In: ·         Ornament painting ·         cards to Santa Claus ·         Christmas dance...
Grants for activities in the field of the development of the sport in 2018-call for applications only to 4 December
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 December 2017
The special subsidy from the budget of the city of Elk can receive sports clubs, sports activities in the city of Ełk, failed to make a profit, that participate in organised sporting competitions in team sports and individual. For the implementation of the tasks of the development of sport in 2018 was intended amount of 100 thousand. zł. Condition for applying for by sports clubs grant...
Beware of carbon monoxide (Chad)
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 01 December 2017
Carbon monoxide is formed during incomplete combustion (with oxygen). The gas extremely threatening to the life, because it is undetectable senses (odorless, colorless and tasteless). Blocks the access of oxygen to the body, by taking his place in the red blood cells, causing death by suffocation. TAKE CARE FOR THE SAFETY OF YOU AND YOUR LOVED ONES! Be sure!...
"We on these German lands not będziem, we here in pojedziem..."
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 30 November 2017
December 1, 2017, will be held a lecture of Dr. Stefan Michal Marcinkiewicz "We on these German lands not będziem, we here in pojedziem...". Kick-off at 8:00 pm. h. 18:00 in the Conference Room library, ul. Army 17 (B). More on:
Last call for applications for scholarships in the year 2018
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 November 2017
The scholarship is awarded in one of the following areas: Visual Arts, theatre and stage art, music and dancing, singing, literature, film, photography, organisation of cultural projects in the city of Ełk. Criteria to be met. The scholarship can get a person who: ·     is permanently registered in the city of Elk or works in the area of culture in the city of...
A new episode of "City News"-November 24
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 25 November 2017
In includes information about at Christmas the Christmas tree that sailed from Elk to the Vatican, as a gift from the Polish for the Pope, the second stage of the revitalization of downtown, Center courtyards ełckich two international projects Ełckie cultural center under the INTERREG V-and Lithuania-Poland, speed bumps that have been mounted on the street of John Paul II in Elk, as well...