News - Education

Take care of your body in the autumn-winter period
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 05 October 2017
Ełk County, offers water park in and staying in Elk are: 1. Swimming pools, water slides, jacuzzi: ·       swimming pool (25 m x 16 m and a depth of 2 m) ·       leisure pool with water massage, waterfalls, bells and whistles, water jets, 12 beds, hydromassage, gym (bicycles to aqua spinning, treadmill), 4 certified...
Acquire funding for operations integration
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 04 October 2017
Acquire funding for operations integration community living in the downtown Of Elk. Projects must be directed to individuals and families at risk of poverty and social exclusion, or residing in the area designated for revitalization, as indicated in the "programme of revitalization of Elk for the years 2016-2023". Support may be covered also the environment. people and families involved in...
X edition of the competition for the best thesis about Elk
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 04 October 2017
The Mayor of Elk invites students to write papers on Elk and participate in the "competition for the best thesis related to Elk City." The competition is addressed to graduates of the master's degree, engineering, undergraduate, doctoral and postgraduate studies, writing his work about the Elk in the area eg. tourism and recreation, social policy, public administration or business development....
Look for Elk-the last IV round
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 04 October 2017
8 October will take place the last IV round "Look on the Elk" III Grand Prix Elk in the Marches. Start of the competition. 10:30 at the lodge in the frost. The aim of the competition cycle in the marches on the orientation, promoting active rest among the residents of Elk and the surrounding area, the popularization of the March on the orientation as an interesting method of leisure as well as...
Another task assigned to NGO-29 September the year 2017 ełk County
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 September 2017
The local Government Of Elk has been working with non-governmental organisations by having the implementation of their statutory tasks. On Friday September 29, 2017, President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz ełckich met with representatives of non-governmental organisations in order to sign the contracts for the implementation of the tasks of local government in the year 2017. In the...
Consultation meeting on the draft Ełckie 2018 cooperation programme
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 September 2017
Consultation meeting will be held October 4, 2017. within the framework of ongoing public consultations the draft resolution of the City Council of Elk on the adoption of local government cooperation programme Ełckie ełk with non-governmental organisations and other actors in the activities of public benefit in the year 2018. Start the meeting at 16:00 in Conference Room # 36 in the building at...
4th edition of the competition "your start-up – your future"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 28 September 2017
Last call for the 4th edition of the competition "your start-up – your future" which entered in the calendar of events in North-Eastern Poland and is an example of this, that the public sector can effectively support the innovative business ideas and actively work towards economic recovery Elk. You only need to prepare a business plan and submit the completed form. Awards:...
Day of solidarity between generations "Travel links"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 September 2017
Day of solidarity between generations "Travel links" within the framework of the international day of older persons will take place on September 29. Fundraiser. 9:00 on the EKW, ul. Narrow Track 1 The event will also share youth from and LO in Elk and students from SP # 4 in Elk. Participation is free of charge. In: ·       h. 9:00-collection on the...
An educational Festival "Smiling 4 Paws"
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 27 September 2017
An educational Festival "Smiling 4 Paws" will take place on 3 October. In the event invite environmental education Center in Elk and pet care Company in Elk. The start of the Festival. 10:00 in the garden of the CEE, ul. Park 12. The aim is to sensitize students to the needs of animals and the formation of responsible animal guardians attitudes. In:...
Elk! Get advice from regarding-you decide!
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 September 2017
The Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz launches public consultation the draft resolution of the City Council of Elk on the adoption of local government cooperation programme Ełckie ełk with non-governmental organisations and other actors engaging public interest in the year 2018. Consultations will be held in the city of Ełk, within September 25-October 12, 2017, whose goal is to collect...