
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 29 September 2017
Another task assigned to NGO-29 September the year 2017 ełk County
The Mayor of Elk on September 29 he signed 5 consecutive contracts with representatives of non-governmental organisations on the implementation of the tasks of local government in the year 2017, in terms of physical culture and sports and culture and protection of national heritage. The total value of grants awarded is 23 500 zł.

The local Government Of Elk has been working with non-governmental organisations by having the implementation of their statutory tasks.

On Friday September 29, 2017, President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz ełckich met with representatives of non-governmental organisations in order to sign the contracts for the implementation of the tasks of local government in the year 2017. In the municipality of Elk agreement signed the following organizations:

Physical culture and sport:

·         Inter-school sports club "Zak" Elk-$ 3800

·         Apprentice Sports Club "Lake"-$ 2200

·         Apprentice Sports Club Green Volley Elk-$ 9000

Culture and protection of national heritage:

·         Ełcki University of the third age in the Elk-£ 2000

·         Evangelical Church Methodist in the parish of divine love-$ 6500

The total value of grants awarded is 23 500 zł.

In addition, active residents can take advantage of an increasingly popular mechanism is a Local Initiative, which has been allocated in the budget of 300 000. zł.