
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 22 September 2017
Elk! Get advice from regarding-you decide!
25 September-12 October will take place at the k social onsultancy on the adoption of local government cooperation programme Ełckie Ełk with non-governmental organisations in the year 2018.

The Mayor of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz launches public consultation the draft resolution of the City Council of Elk on the adoption of local government cooperation programme Ełckie ełk with non-governmental organisations and other actors engaging public interest in the year 2018.

Consultations will be held in the city of Ełk, within September 25-October 12, 2017, whose goal is to collect comments, requests, opinions, and recommendations from the persons concerned, the various actors and organizations.

The consultation can participate all the residents of Elk, in particular non-governmental organisations and entities referred to in article 1. 3 paragraphs 1 and 2. 3 of the Act of 24 April 2003 on the activities of public benefit and voluntary service, established in the city of Ełk and entities established outside the Elk, which statutory objectives are related to the development of Elk.

Forms of public consultation:

·         put the draft resolution together with the consultation in the BIP-ie

·         passing the draft resolution together with the Consultative Council of public benefit Activities in Elk in order to express an opinion

·         sending by email the draft resolution together with a consultation form to bodies pursuing the task of local Government of the city of Ełk in the year 2017, and to the Council, the Council of the Family sports and Senior Council

·         the consultation service Offices Cooperation with non-governmental organisations UM Elk, ul. Małeckich 3, pok. # 10 (p.)

·         consultation meeting: October 4, 2017 at 9:00 pm 16:00, room no. 36, ul. Małeckich 3

Please contact the Office of Cooperation with non-governmental organizations of the city of Ełk, ul. Małeckich 3, pok. # 10 (first floor), 86, 87 732 61 85 tel, 87; e-mail: [email protected].

Contact person: Maciej Juchniewicz, a delegate of the President of the Elk. cooperation with non-governmental organisations.

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