
Author: Iga Urbanowicz | Entry date: 01 August 2017
15.5 million more on the development of Elk
The city has more than 15.5 million for the implementation of three projects with a total value of 21.5 million. The President of Elk Tomasz Andrukiewicz on Monday July 31, signed with the Marshal Of Warmia and Mazury grant agreement planned activities.

Thanks to the funds raised, 15.5 million from the regional operational programme in the Elk complex will be bike paths, landscaped will edge Ełckie Lake (on), and rebuilt public transport lines will be # 3 and 5.

A grant agreement of projects signed yesterday in Olsztyn, Tomasz Andrukiewicz President Elk and Marshal of Warmia and Mazury Gustav Brzeziny.

The city has acquired funding for the following projects:

Project 1: Expansion of the Elk River Bike paths along with the supporting infrastructure in Elk-value is 7.1 million, including funding is 4.4 million.

Project 2: Development Bank of Ełckie on for the development of tourism and recreation in Elk (phase II)-value is 4.9 mln, including funding is 3.3 million.

Project 3: Reconstruction of the transportation line # 3 and 5 in order to improve the public transport in the city of Ełk (1st stage)-value is 9.3 million, including funding is 7.9 million.