
From 15 August 2018 | Hour: 09:45 To 15 August 2018 | Hour: 21:00 | Place: Katedra św. Wojciecha, Promenada przy ul. Pułaskiego
98. The anniversary of the battle of Warsaw, the miracle on the Vistula "
Date: 15-08-2018 - 15-08-2018 | Hour: 09:45
Place: Katedra św. Wojciecha, Promenada przy ul. Pułaskiego
Organiser: Ełckie Centrum Kultury, Urząd miasta Ełk
Tickets: wstęp wolny
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On Wednesday, August 15, in the Elk will be held the celebration of the feast of the Polish Army.

The program of the ceremony:

9:45 Mass in the Cathedral of St. Adalbert in ełk
10:45 parade of the participants under the obelisk of Marshal Józef Piłsudski
11:15 Ceremony at the Obelisk of Marshal Józef Piłsudski

FAMILY PICNIC on the promenade. Pulaski:
14:00 Urban Concert wind Orchestra
15:00 Concert of John Kondraka "happy Ataman"
16:30 theatre performance for children: "3 x snow, 3 x Dragon" Theatre under with an Eagle emblem
17:15 Concert szant-OKAW Storm
18:00 Dance under the stars

During A Picnic:
• wine tasting's famous Chickpea and pork
• food stands, crafts
• family games
• art workshops for children
• presentation of the equipment, fire, police