
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 21 December 2017
Ełckich thermal renovation buildings-has a positive effect on the quality of life of residents
In 2017, with the façade repair, 14 ełckich buildings changed their appearance. While the implementation of the other 7 investments has been moved to next year.  The total amount of investment is close to 1.7 million.

The local Government Of Elk for years together with housing communities realizes investment and renovation, the objective of which is the improvement of living conditions, above all the inhabitants of the respective buildings. In addition, the renovated building is gaining at the same time an attractive look, while also becoming another landmark of the city.

New look of drafts of buildings Forest management, Slovak, Polish, Kochanowski, and Grajewskiej.

Thermal building reduces the need for heat and consequently reduces costs while improving its heating thermal comfort. It may be comprehensive or focus on the aspect that most affect the thermal parameters of the House.

In addition, thermal modernization building is to make changes that will escape the heat and provide more economical and energy-efficient heating the Interior, as well as water.

Modernization and renovation of the façade and roofs in 2006-2017 covered by was 246 buildings for a total amount of ok. 22.2 mln.

List of renovations in buildings housing communities and in buildings that are 100% ownership of in 2017:


· Leśna 11, Slovak 8, 9, Polish Army Wawel 1 and 1A, the Polish Army 20, 22 Train, Wawel 8, Kochanowski 64A, Army 38, Grajewska 9, 4 and 6, Mickiewicz Polish Army 13, Orzeszkowej 19, Polish Army 1B

In Progress-PLANNED COMPLETION Of Investment In 2018:

· Świackiego "the vulture" 10, the Polish home army, 63 33

In The Course Of Implementing Or SIGNED Agreement:

· Army 6


· Polish Army 42, the Polish home army, 19, 30