
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 November 2017
Live HD Webcast of the Opera "the Magic Flute"
Ełckie Cultural Center on November 19 at 8:00 pm. 17:00 serves on the retransmission of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart opera "the magic flute". Entrance fee.

In the cinema ECK on Sunday 19 November 2017 onwards you will be able to see the retransmission of Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart opera "the magic flute". The Prime Minister of this staging of The Metropolitan Opera took place on 8 October 2004.



·         concessions (senior student)-$ 40

·         normal – £ 45

"Magic flute" is a fairy tale, hangs between the earthy comedy and noble mysticism.  The story in the style of "śpiewo-game" consists of musical numbers linked dialogues and stage action. This structure allows the mood swings-the seriousness of the joyful carefree.

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