
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 17 November 2017
Speed bumps on the street of John Paul II in Elk
On the estate of a lake in Elk will be fitted to two sets of speed bumps. There will be a new type of thresholds, that will improve the safety of pedestrians on the street of John Paul II, and will not hinder the journey for city buses. In addition, within them will force the speed limit to 30 mph. The total cost of the sets is 20 k. zł.

Soon on the street of John Paul II in Elk bumps appear to primarily improve the comfort and safety of pedestrians.


· pedestrian crossing at the intersection of John Paul II and Wyszynski

· pedestrian crossing at the intersection of John Paul II and Mariampolska

In addition:

· the thresholds will not be difficult for city buses

· in them will force the speed limit to 30 km/h

Executor task is the company "QRIER MAZURY" Jarosław Mountain in Elk.
The total cost is £ 20 418.

Expected date of completion of the works is half the December 2017.