
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 09 November 2017
Contest "Local integration activities community" within the framework of the ZIT Elk
Began to call for proposals in the competition " Local integration action community-ZIT Elk. "pool in the competition is close to 2.7 million. Applications may be submitted to the December 18, 2017.

Board of Warmia and Mazury has launched a call for proposals for funding projects under the RPO Of Warmia and Mazury for years 2014-2020-Measure Local integration activities 11.2.5 community (ZIT Elk).

EU funds in the competition (approx. 2.7 million) are addressed in the implementation of projects in Ełk and/or Ełk County (with the exception of the city centre).

Entities may apply for funding is

·       Government entities, their associations and unions

·       organizational units of local government units

·       units of social employment implementing the tasks resulting from the provisions on social employment

·       the unit of foster families and foster care system

·       non-governmental organisations on the basis of statutory records in the area of assistance and social integration

·       the actors of social economy

Examples of activities that can be carried out:

·       taking local initiatives for the improvement of public spaces

·       to facilitate access to affordable and high-quality social services

·       Action for the involvement of local communities, in particular the poor and marginalized; formation of positive social relationships, to animate the local environments

·       implementation of local actions with the active participation of the community, organizing of groups, self-help groups, support groups)

·       activation of inactive persons, the long-term unemployed (with the exception of training as a professional)

·       operations carried out by streetworkingu and animation, implemented by youth leaders and educators of street

·       legal counselling, psychological, psychosocial and leading to social inclusion

Applications must be submitted by 18 December 2017.

More information:

Necessary to annex to the application for funding is Therefore recommendation ZIT MOF Elk regarding compliance with the "development strategy of subregional Centre Elk to the year 2025". Procedure to obtain recommendations can be found in the public information Office of the city of Elk-ZIT MOF Elk Office Connection-call for proposals: