
Author: Cezary Wenda | Entry date: 08 November 2017
Started an application mObywatel
From Sunday (29 October) ełczanie can use the free app for your Smartphone-mObywatel. With a solution that has the Ministry of Digitization, we have quick access to their mDokumentów. First available in the application is mTożsamość.

This type of solution is useful in everyday situations, even such as cullet. Participants in the bumps, who in a dozen seconds to bring on their smartphones with Google Play an application-will be able to exchange the information necessary to resolve the case. And disclose only as much data as the situation requires, not more.

How does it work?
By using mTożsamości we will confirm your identity when dealing with other citizens. During sample car bumps we'll show your data on your phone, and then you pass it the other person on the phone. Then also automatically retrieve and save in your mobile's data, but on the condition that both participants bumps will be users application mObywatel. There is no reason for concern-exchange of data is protected by a certificate issued by the Ministry of Digitization.

Keep in mind?
The app is free and can use it anyone who is an adult and has a valid identity card, trusted (eGo), Smartphone with Android operating system version 6.0 (or later), comes with Bluetooth and camera, active application mObywatel, Internet connection.

mTożsamość uses the current data (contained in the public registers) such as: first name, last name, date of birth, social security number, or SOCIAL SECURITY data from the registry, and the photos, the term of validity, the number of the evidence, information, who issued the document-that is, data from the register of identity cards. And these data we can at any time view on your Smartphone.

But to pass someone or download from someone (from phone to phone) we can only part of them and they are: your name, photo and number and who issued it.

Things to keep in mind?
Thanks to mTożsamości we will check the identity of and replace the data without writing down, scan or photograph of the identity card. But keep in mind that we will exchange data only with other users of the application mObywatel. mTożsamość not replace also the identity card at a Bank, Office, during roadside or crossing the border.

For security reasons, the data saved in the phone are encrypted and signed certificate issued by the Ministry of Digitization. The certificate also confirms the authenticity of the data.

Application to download:

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