
From 23 November 2017 | Hour: 09:00 To 23 November 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Szkoła Artystyczna
Painting Emotions
Date: 23-11-2017 - 23-11-2017 | Hour: 09:00
Place: Szkoła Artystyczna Show on a map »
Organiser: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Tickets: wstęp wolny

Contact with the work of art is based on emotions. Landscapes, portraits and genre scenes exude calm, sadness, anxiety, grief and joy. Whether these feelings are always correctly interpreted by the Viewer. Or for superficial joy can be anxiety?

Welcome to the lectures of Edith Mańczuk, a master's degree at the Faculty of fine arts, Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń.

Lectures will be held in the Concert Hall of art school, ul. Army 21.

Admission to the lectures is free.

H. 9.00 (organised groups – by appointment call lodged at art school)

H. 18.00-all interested in

Topics of lectures and dates:

Suffering-November 23, 2017

Whether the same color can reflect the suffering?  Analysis of works from different periods will help answer the question, how to paint a suffering, to feel it also viewers (for example image Barnet Bewmana "Black fire '' and" Roztrzelanie '' by Andrzej Wróblewski).