
From 24 October 2017 | Hour: 18:00 To 24 October 2017 | Hour: 20:00 | Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
The fourth wall-ełckie Theatre meetings
Date: 24-10-2017 - 24-10-2017 | Hour: 18:00
Place: Ełckie Centrum Kultury Show on a map »
Organiser: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Tickets: 15 zł BUY TICKET »
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Welcome to the first edition of the "fourth wall-ełckie Theatre meetings".

This is an attempt to bring the residents of Elk and guests of the art theatre. Their performances will present:

Bialystok Puppet Theatre
"Palko"-September 8 + workshops for children hours. 16:00
"Balls" – 9 September workshops for children hours. 16:15
"A terrible five" – 10 September workshops for children hours. 17:15

Theatre Wierszalin "in Supraśl
"Dziady-Night second"-September 22, + workshops for young people h. 13:00

Teatr im. Stefan Jaracz Theatre in Olsztyn
"Crime and punishment"-October 11 + workshops for young people h. 13:00
"Fallen angels"-October 24

Direction will be accompanied by free theatre workshops for children and young people. For more information on the workshop can be found at the descriptions of the individual performances.

For more information visit

Tickets £ 15 to buy Hand ECK or

Project partners: Miejski Ośrodek Pomocy Społecznej in Elk, the Association "alternative".

The project was funded by the National Center for culture under the culture programme-2017 Interventions and the municipality Of Elk