
From 14 July 2017 | Hour: 11:00 To 14 July 2017 | Hour: 16:00 | Place: Hotel Rydzewski, ul. Armii Krajowej 32
Date: 14-07-2017 - 14-07-2017 | Hour: 11:00
Place: Hotel Rydzewski, ul. Armii Krajowej 32
Organiser: Muzeum Historyczne w Ełku, Związek Ukraińców w Polsce
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The historical Museum in Elk and Ukrainians in Poland

invite to the Conference Handbook

14.07.2017 | h. 11.00

Hotel Rydzewski-Amber Hall | UL. Armii Krajowej 32, Ełk

The program of the Conference:
-Prof. dr HAB. Roman Drozd (Academy of Pomerania in Słupsk) Action Vistula. Removal technology
-Prof. Igor Hałagida (University of Gdańsk) Ukrainian Population in Warmia and Masuria after 1947, the aspect of political, social, religious
-Dr Arkadiusz Słabig (Academy of Pomerania in Słupsk) surveillance of the Ukrainian community
-Dr. Stefan Marcinkiewicz (University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn) Action Vistula in Biographical residents district in ełckie
-Igor Harasym (parish priest in Kętrzyn, student of history of the Greek Catholic Church in Poland) with the experience of the pastor. Ukrainian community 70 years after the deportation – sociological outline image
-Anna Dabrowska (Homo Faber) History seen otherwise. Historical education projects for children and oral history

The Conference will be accompanied by the presentation of films about the postwar fate of the Ukrainian community of Polish,
"Bieszczady" Andrzej Czarnecki,
"Camp Jaworzno" By Andrzej Warchiła
and presentation of the publications devoted to the post-war history of the Ukrainian community in Poland.

The Conference will take place under the Honorary patronage of the President of Elk Mr. Thomas Andrukiewicza

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