
From 24 June 2017 | Hour: 10:00 To 24 June 2017 | Hour: 15:00 | Place: okolice Ełku
John's family-run bike
Date: 24-06-2017 - 24-06-2017 | Hour: 10:00
Place: okolice Ełku
Organiser: Towarzystwo Krajoznawstwa i Turystyki Aktywnej przy CEE w Ełku
Tickets: bezpłatnie

Society for local history and active tourism with environmental education Center cordially invites you to John's family bike ride. Welcome first of all families with children. The pace of the rally will be adapted to the youngest and weakest participant. In the course of the outbreak will be (on your own). The bicycle rally, children will perform wreaths, which we will use in the evening, the night canoeing. Route: Elk (Sp # 5)-Rails-Flour-Talusy-Lepaki Wielkie-Bartosze-Elk (approx. 30 km)

duration: CA. 5 hours of


Registration: Tel. 87 610 16 24, e-mail: [email protected]