
From 10 June 2017 | Hour: 15:00 To 12 June 2017 | Hour: 11:00 | Place: Teren Nadleśnictwa Ełk w Mrozach Wielkich
Date: 10-06-2017 - 12-06-2017 | Hour: 15:00
Place: Teren Nadleśnictwa Ełk w Mrozach Wielkich
Organiser: Klub Miłośników Ptaków przy Ełckim Stowarzyszeniu Ekologicznym
Tickets: bezpłatnie

Waterfowl birds is one of the most common techniques used in the study of bird life. Consists of marking birds with metal rings worn on the leg. Each ring has embossed, reduced Panel address ringing and a unique alphanumeric code, which is nothing short of a national ID card is characterized by bird and allows to identify it with the repeated capturing or observing, even after many years.
Comparison of the data (e.g., date, location) data case re-establish provides information on the movement of birds, long life and other aspects of their biology.
Centre of environmental education and Ecological Association Elk in cooperation with the wildlife Elk zaprosza all volunteers to visit the obrączkarskiego camp, which will run at the headquarters of the Forestry Elk in the frost. It will be a unique opportunity to see up close, and even touch dozens of bird species. Participation in the camp will be a great way to learn, nice spending time and getting to know new places and people. During last year's camp managed to zaobrączkować more than 80 birds from 24 species. The results of the ringing of birds will go to the Ornithological Station, which acts as the national headquarters of ringing of birds under the authorisation of the Minister of the environment. Is a Bank of data collecting and setting out information between obrączkującymi birds all over the country.

How to reach us?
1. By car (location map available at
To use the road inside the forest district Elk necessary is to obtain written consent.
People interested in asked about sending information to the address [email protected]. Consent can also be picked up in person at the CEE.
2. By bike (map available at

Contact No.: 507 830 569