
From 01 October 2017 | Hour: 19:00 To 01 October 2017 | Hour: 21:00 | Place: Kościół Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego
Ełk Concerts of organ and chamber music
Date: 01-10-2017 - 01-10-2017 | Hour: 19:00
Place: Kościół Najświętszego Serca Jezusowego
Organiser: Ełckie Centrum Kultury
Tickets: wstęp wolny

IX Edition of the Ełckich of organ and chamber music concerts is another dose of music for all who appreciate great sound bodies accompanied by outstanding Polish instrumentalists Chamber and vocal artists

Concert on October 1, "the Solo and Duet"

Marta Wróblewska-soprano

Przemysław Kummer-bass

New year's Eve Trojanowski-organ