
From 17 September 2017 | Hour: 00:00 To 17 September 2017 | Hour: 00:00 | Place: Piłsudskiego 27, Ełk
Look for Elk-round 3
Date: 17-09-2017 - 17-09-2017 | Hour: 00:00
Place: Piłsudskiego 27, Ełk
Organiser: MOSiR

III round 17.09.2017 (Sunday)
Stop wąskotorówki Sypitki [Sɨˈpitki]

Start 10:30


EKW Station

UL. Narrow Track 1

H. 9:30

-In the competition can participate all willing.
-It is advisable that each of the players of the compass (compass) and a mobile phone.
-Compass is used to correct orientation maps of the deleted route, which the player receives at the start.
-Time limits specified for each round.
-Condition of classification is putting the home card.

Players take part in the competition on their own responsibility, the Organizer does not insure players from NNW.

Departure by coach for the starting place for the always from municipal stadium.

Details soon on